活动中,A班有30人,B班有16人,现要从A班调一部分人去支援B班,使B班人数为A班人数的2倍,那么应从A班调出多少人,如设从A班调x人去B班,则B班有( )人,这个问题的相等关系是:( ),根据题意可列方程:( ).
活动中,A班有30人,B班有16人,现要从A班调一部分人去支援B班,使B班人数为A班人数的2倍,那么应从A班调出多少人,如设从A班调x人去B班,则B班有( )人,这个问题的相等关系是:( ),根据题意可列方程:( ).
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Will you be happy if you have a new Nike T-shirt on? Probably you will. But what if you see a friend 1 a more fashionable (时髦的)and more beautiful one? You may not feel as satisfied 2 you expect to and the feeling of happiness may disappear in a minute. Why are we not so happy? The secret is:we focus on (专注) what we want instead of what we have. We keep making our list of desires (愿望) longer and longer. As a result, we are not pleased with what we have 3 owned. We say to ourselves, "I'11 be happy when this desire is satisfied." However, another desire appears when this one is met. So, we still don't feel happy though we have got what we want. Happiness 4 when we always have new desires hard to satisfy. Luckily, there is a way to be happy. Think more about what we have than what we want. Rather tllan wish you were 5 to have an enioyable vacation on the beach. Think of 6 fun you have had near home. Similarly, instead of hating to do much homework, 7 teachers for making you have the chance to practice mole. The list of what you have can also be endless. Each time you find yourself falling into "I wish life will be different" trap (陷阱),take a deep breath and think of 8 you have ever had. Pay more attention to what you have,and you'11 probably get more of what you want. 9 example, your good attitude toward doing homework can bring excellent grades because 10 makes perfect. Start to focus on what we have! The more we feel satisfied, the more happily we'll live. | |||