问题 改错题



错误一          改正             错误二          改正        

错误三          改正             错误四          改正         

错误五          改正         


错误一:英法联军 改正:八国联军 2分

错误二:洋务派 改正:维新派             2分

错误三 康有为改正:谭嗣同               2分

错误四 去年改正:今年                  2分

错误五 《马关条约》改正《辛丑条约》     2分

题目分析:此题通过读材料改错的方法考查对八国联军侵华战争相关知识的掌握情况。做好此题,要掌握课本知识。还要仔细看懂材料说的是什么,再找出错误的地方进行修改。从材料中看,“去年,英法联军进军北京,烧杀抢掠,无恶不作,慈禧太后和光绪帝却逃之夭夭”这句话中从“慈禧太后和光绪帝却逃之夭夭”可看出“去年”应是八国联军侵华战争的时间,所以,英法联军是错误的,应是八国联军;“别看朝廷对付洋人没本事,想当年对付主张变法的洋务派却够凶狠,把康有为六人全杀了”从这句话中,从“把康有为等六人全杀了”这句话来看对付主张变法的应该是维新派,而不是洋务派,康有为跑到日本领事馆躲避了,被杀的应该是谭嗣同等六人,所以这句话有两处错误:错误一是洋务派,应改为维新派,错误二是康有为,应改为谭嗣同;“听说,去年还签订了个《马关条约》,连东交民巷都不让咱中国人住了!我看这个大清国的末日快要到了…”这句话中,由“连东交民巷都不让咱中国人住了!”可知“东交民巷都不让咱中国人住了”应该是《辛丑条约》签订以后,所以,《马关条约》是错误的,应该是《辛丑条约》。从整个材料的叙述看,第一个去年是八国联军侵华战争的时间,那么最后一句话中的“去年”就应该是今年了,因为《辛丑条约》的签订是在八国联军侵华战争的第二年。所以最后一句话中错误有二,其一《马关条约》,应改为《辛丑条约》,其二去年,应改为 今年。



A. Glassex Window Cleaner

The use of professional window cleaning tools results in a perfect cleaning effect. There is no other window cleaners like Glassex that can even make the glass invisible.

B. Pepsi Twist

Want to taste summer? Try the new lemon-flavored Pepsi cola.  It tastes refreshing but not sour. It’s amazing that you can taste two flavors with one sip.

C. Nikol Baking Tray

If you want to start getting fancy and do things like making cookies, then you'll probably need Nikol. Enjoy baking pastries and heating up other food items on these reliable baking trays!

D. Timotei styling mousse

Still worry about your hairstyle? Timotei will introduce you to the new styling and conditioning miracle. It adds volume to any hair and makes your hair more manageable.

E. Chupa Chups

How can candy satisfy your kids’ sweet tooth and your strict standards? Chupa Chups is definitely your choice. It’s organic with no sugar but awesome flavors!

F. Kayaking Jumbo Peanuts

All of our hearty Jumbo Peanuts are carefully selected and hand cooked with no additives or preservatives. Either Plain or flavored, we Invite you to try some and I bet you can't eat just one!


小题1:The advertisement says nothing about the benefits of sugar free products but simply makes the point very emphatically that his products are sugar free. The genius of the idea lies in its simplicity – ants avoiding the lollipop.

小题2:This isn't a slaughtered bird boiling in a tray. The wonderful scene shows the headless and footless chicken relaxes after a hard day, soaking her tired muscles and soothing her plucked skin.

小题3:This advertisement is a portrait of an eye-catching lion lying confidently in the wild field because of its smooth stylish hair. If a lion can own this hair, anyone can solve their hair problem.

小题4:In this advertisement we see a magician performing a magic act. A lady is suspended in the air on her back with her body parallel to the ground. It is all because that the lady is lying on the invisible glass.

小题5:In this interesting advertisement, one of the two elephants is choking because of the irresistible peanuts while the other one is helping it out like human. The acts of the elephants are so funny that you can’t help laughing.