问题 单项选择题








解析:[命题目的] 考查需求分析的作用。[解题要点] 需求分析是软件定义时期的最后一个阶段,它的基本任务就是准确回答“系统必须做什么”这个问题即软件系统功能,需求分析的任务还不是确定系统怎样完成它的工作,而仅仅是确定系统必须完成哪些工作,也就是对目标系统提出完整、准确、清晰、具体的要求。


The following questions present a sentence, part of which or all of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these repeats the original; the other four are different. If you think the original is best, choose the first answer; otherwise choose one of the others.

These questions test correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing your answer, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammatical error.

Since the average test score of students enrolled in charter schools were rising 7.5 percent in the spring, many educators concluded that the system was working.()

A. Since the average test score of students enrolled in charter schools were rising 7.5 percent in the spring, many educators concluded

B. As the average test score of students enrolled in charter schools rose 7.5 percent in the spring, with many educators concluding

C. Because the average test score of students enrolled in charter schools rose 7.5 percent in the spring, many educators concluded

D. Because the average test score of students enrolled in charter schools were up 7.5 percent in the spring, many educators concluded

E. With average test scores rising by 7.5 percent among students enrolled in charter schools, and many educators concluded