问题 论述题



近些年来,针对不断攀升的房价,国家采取政策加以调控,虽然取得了一定的成效,但最终还是不能有效的抑制住房价的疯涨。2010年,我国楼市调控重拳频出,且目标直指投机性购房。2010年4月17日国务院办公厅发布 “国务院关于坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨的通知”,其中的调控政策十分严厉。新政实行严格的差别化房贷政策和研究制定引导住房消费、调节房产收益的税收政策,抑制投机性购房和炒房。同时,增加住房的有效供应,加快保障性安居工程建设,加大对捂盘惜售、囤积房源等的查处力度。新政实施后,几近疯狂的楼市开始应声“退烧”。特别是2011年1月26日国务院推出八条房地产调控措施,限购是重中之重。人们有理由相信,市场将给予更加积极的回应。



又增加住房的有效供应,加快保障性安居工程建设。⑥矛盾双方在一定条件下可以相互转化。国家采取一系列楼市新政,可以促进楼市“退烧”,实现房价回归理性。(每点3分,答出其中 4点即得满分)


Many adults in the United States can remember crying the nursery rhyme in the street "Hot cross buns!" But only a few people realize this was an early form of advertising.

Written advertisements probably began with hieroglyphics more than three thousand years ago, but only a few people could read these symbols. So merchants made signs with pictures or hung their tools over their doors to identify their businesses.

In the time of the Roman Empire, wall paintings were a popular form of advertisement. An ad for a play, or some other performance was painted on part of a building or on a wall around a city. People often advertised a house for rent or a freshwater bath in this way, too.

Today, large wall signs are still used for outdoor advertising. But outdoor advertising is only a small fraction of the total advertising. About forty per -cent of all ads are printed in daily newspapers. Radio commercials also provide this kind of information. Some people think they are the best form of advertising because radio broadcasts reach almost everyone in a nation.

Advertisements in magazines and on television reach many people, too. However, usually only large companies can advertise on a national network, because TV commercials shown across the country can cost many thousands of dollars.

Then there are ads that are almost part of daily living. If you use public transportation, you will see large printed ads, called ear cards, on buses and taxis and in trains. Ads are painted on the trucks that deliver products people are buying or selling.

小题1:Which is the passage mainly discussing?

A.Modern advertising

B.Significance of advertising

C.Development of advertising

D.Origin of advertising小题2:Which of the following is the original form of advertising?

A.Signs with pictures

B.Wall signs

C.Street crying

D.Wall painting小题3:Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “hieroglyphics” in Paragraph 2?

A.A signal

B.A signature

C.A symbol

D.A form小题4:Why did the merchants make signs with pictures or hang their tools over their doors ?

A.To have their houses decorated.

B.To make their business known by public.

C.To enable people to learn how to read

D.To advertise their houses to rent小题5:Radio commercials are the best form of advertising because ____________.

A.they can be heard everywhere in a country

B.they are cheap and fast

C.they are most recently developed

D.they can be understood by those who can neither read nor write