问题 单项选择题

A client diagnosed with gestational diabetes has been admitted for induction of labor at 38 weeks. The client asks the nurse, "My previous labors started on their own. How will this induction of labor be different from my last labor" Upon which theory would the nurse base her response

A. An induction causes the contractions to be more intense during the first stage of labor.
B. The risk of uterine rupture is less because the oxytocin (Pitocin) is controlled with an infusion pump.
C. The goal of induction is to produce a contractile pattern similar to that observed in spontaneous labor.
D. During an induction, fetal monitoring begins as soon as oxytocin is started, whereas in a spontaneous labor, monitoring begins when signs of distress occur.



解析:The goal during induction of labor is to produce a contractile pattern similar to that observed in spontaneous labor. The infusion of oxytocin is increased until a contractile pattern is achieved in which the contractions occur every 2 to 3 minutes with a duration of 40 to 60 seconds in a 10-minute period and the uterus relaxes between contractions. One of the complications of an induction is the risk of uterine rupture. The client scheduled to receive oxytocin is monitored for at least 20 minutes before initiation of the drug to establish a baseline fetal heart rate. Thereafter, the client is monitored in the same way as a client in spontaneous labor, which depends on the maternal and fetal responses to labor.


一、2011年11月29日4时,A铁矿390平巷直竖井的罐笼在提升矿石时发生卡罐故障罐笼被撞破损后卡在距离井口2.5m处,当班绞车工甲随即 升井向矿长乙和维修工丙报告后,乙和丙下井检修。丙在没有采取任何防护措施的情况下,3次对罐笼角、井筒护架进行切割与焊接,切割与焊接作业至7时结束。 随后乙和丙升井返回地面。  当日7时29分,甲在绞车房发现提升罐笼的钢丝绳异动,前往井口观察,发现直竖井内起火,当即返回绞车房,关闭向井下送电的电源开关。并立即升 井向乙和丙报告。随后甲和丙一起下井,到达390平巷时烟雾很大,能见度不足5m,甲和丙前行到达离起火直竖井约300m处,无法继续前行,遂返回地面向 乙汇报,乙立即报警,调矿山救护队救援,并启动A矿山应急救援预案。  截至11月27日10时,核实井下被困人员共122人,其中救护队救出52人,70人遇难,遇难人员中包括周边的4座铁矿61名井下作业人员。  事故调查发现,A铁矿与周边的4座铁矿越巷开采,井下巷道及未*****区互相贯通,各矿均未形成独立的** 通风系统,且安全出口和标志均不符合安全规定事故调查组确认,该起事故的直接原因是丙在切割与焊接作业时,切割下来的高温金属残块及焊渣掉落在井槽充填护*的**上,造成荆笆着火,引 燃****的可燃物,引发火灾。该起事故的经济损失包括:人员伤亡后所支出的费用9523万元,善后处理费用3052万元,财产损失1850万元,停产损 失580万元,处理环境污染费用5万元。根据以上场景,回答下列问题(共14分,每题2分,1-3题为单选题,4-7题为多选题)。






