问题 阅读理解

How much should you save? You may be able to save 100% of your money. Does that mean you should? Not at all. The best way to develop good saving habits is to make saving a regular part of your life, along with spending.

Here is the rule you should remember: save before spending. Whenever some money gets into your hands, from a job or your pocket money or whatever, take your savings out immediately, before spending any of the money. The beauty of this system is that if you take away your savings, you are free to spend the rest.

Here are some more suggestions on how to successfully get into the saving habit from teens. Let’s see!

Tony,13: I put my money in a bank instead of my wallet, so the money is not there. And I have to take an extra step to get it.

Bill,14: When considering a major purchase(购买), wait a week or so, at least. This will help you make sure if you still want it, and the price might go down.

Dick, 13: Carry very little money always. You can’t spend money if you don’t have it. A cake would be nice, but without a dollar, you can’t get it. Little things like that really add up quickly.

Steve,16: I used to be weak when it came to money. I bought something whenever I went into a store. I’m glad I’m not that person now. I taught myself discipline by keeping a $20 bill in my pocket while waking around the mall all day and not buying anything. Now I have no strong wish to buy things when I go into a store. It works for me.

These ideas should help you get started. If you have some questions about anything you’ve read here, or would like to share your ideas about saving money, please write to us.

小题1:How does Tony advise you about saving money?

A.By keeping money in a bank.

B.By putting money in a wallet.

C.By making it easy to get your money.

D.By buying little things.小题2:According to Billy, if you want to buy something expensive, you’d better_________.

A.wait at least a month

B.make sure it’s necessary

C.wait until it’s for sale

D.ask somebody for help小题3:According to the passage, Steve is the person who _______.

A.didn’t carry any money

B.can’t wait to spend his money now

C.didn’t use to buy anything in a store

D.doesn’t spend money quickly and carelessly now小题4:Where is the passage most probably from?

A.A dictionary

B.The instructions

C.A newspaper

D.An advertisement.小题5:The writer wrote the passage in order to ask teens to_______.

A.make major purchases

B.save 100% of their money

C.spend all their savings regularly

D.save money regularly as well as spending








小题1:根据Tony,13: I put my money in a bank instead of my wallet, so the money is not there.描述,可知选A。

小题2:根据Bill,14: When considering a major purchase(购买), wait a week or so, at least. This will help you make sure if you still want it,描述,可知选B。

小题3:根据Steve,16: I used to be …… Now I have no strong wish to buy things when I go into a store. It works for me.描述,可知选D。


小题5:根据第一段The best way to develop good saving habits is to make saving a regular part of your life, along with spending.及下文描述,可知选D。



(1) 20×8年1月20日,甲公司从M公司购买了A专利技术,经与M公司协议采用分期付款方式支付款项。合同规定,该项专利技术的价款总额为400万元,当日支付100万元,余款分3年付清,每年末支付100万元,当日已办妥相关手续。假定银行同期贷款利率为6%。该项专利技术法律规定的有效期为10年,甲公司预计使用5年后转让给第三方,并且估计5年后将该专利技术出售,可取得67.3万元的价款。甲公司对该专利技术采用年数总和法摊销。2×10年年末,市场情况发生变化,经复核重新估计,该专利技术的预计净残值为140万元。
(2) 2×10年1月1日,甲公司将一项专利技术B出租给N企业使用,该专利技术的账面价值为800万元,按直线法摊销,预计净残值为零,预计尚可使用年限为10年,出租合同规定,承租方每销售一件用该专利生产的产品,必须付给出租方20元专利技术使用费。假定N企业当年销售该专利生产的产品10万件。经税务部门核定甲公司取得的租金收入应缴纳的营业税为10万元。
(3) 2×10年12月1日甲公司取得一项特许经营权,特许方为F公司,双方协议规定:今后4年内,甲公司生产的w产品可使用F公司注册商标,但总产量不得超过40万件;甲公司应于2×10年12月1日向F公司一次性支付特许经营权使用费100万元。2×10年12月,W产品共生产了5万件。[(P/A,6%,3)=2.6730]

甲公司2×10年出租专利技术B所产生的营业利润为( )。




