问题 阅读理解与欣赏



  [乙]吴广素爱人,士卒多为用者。将尉醉,广故数言欲亡,忿恚尉,令辱之,以激怒其众。尉果笞广。尉剑挺,广起,夺而杀尉。陈胜佐之,并杀两尉。召令徒属曰:“公等遇雨,皆已失期,失期当斩。借第令毋斩,而戍死者固十六七。且壮士不死即已,死即举大名耳,王侯将相宁有种乎!”徒属皆曰:“敬受命。”乃诈称公子扶苏、项燕,从民欲也。袒右,称大楚。为坛而盟,祭以尉首。陈胜自立为 * * ,吴广为都尉。


已失期(   )

⑵为天下(   )

⑶陈胜之(   )

⑷尉果广(   )

2.下列句中划线字的含义完全相同的一组是(   )

A.野芳而幽香 闾左適戍渔阳

B.两狼之并驱如 广数言欲亡

C.足下卜之鬼乎 吴广以为

D.扶苏数谏故 不物喜

















  ②严密的组织能力——抓住“将尉醉”的有利时机,使用激将法;“称大楚,为坛而盟,祭以尉首。陈胜自立为 * * ,吴广为都尉”。



      Once there was a group of men-a young hotblooded man and a big number of old folks, doing a
timber(木料) job in a jungle.
      This young man was very  1  .He always continued to work through his break time and   2   that
those old folks were wasting time, having to  3   several times a day  to drink and chat.As time went by,
this young man noticed that even though he worked through break time and hardly took a  4  , those old
folks were chopping the same   5   of trees as he did and sometimes did more.It was as if they worked
through the break time as he did.So he   6   to work harder the next day.Unfortunately the results were
even worse.
     One day,  one of the old folks   7   him for a drink during their break time.That young man refused
and said that he had no   8   time! Then the old man smiled and said, "It is just a waste of effort to   9   
chopping trees without resharpening your axe(斧子).Sooner or later you will   10   or be so tired as you
have spent too much energy."
     Suddenly the young man   11   that actually during break times while those old folks were having a
chat,  they were  12   resharpening their axes at the same time!And that's how they could   13  faster than
him, yet spending less time!
     What we   14   is efficiency by making use of our skill and ability 15  .Only then can we have more
time to do other things.Otherwise we will always keep saying...I have no time!
( )1. A. weak    
( )2. A. admired  
( )3. A. plan  
( )4. A. photo  
( )5. A. weight  
( )6. A. failed  
( )7. A. invited
( )8. A. wrong  
( )9. A. mind  
( )10. A. speed up
( )11. A. warned  
( )12. A. also  
( )13. A. talk  
( )14. A. abandon  
( )15. A. quickly
B. clever        
B. complained    
B. appear        
B. rest          
B. height        
B. pretended      
B. blamed        
B. valuable      
B. avoid          
B. give up        
B. expected      
B. hardly        
B. chop          
B. introduce      
B. curiously      
C. hard-working  
C. reminded
C. work  
C. step  
C. amount  
C. agreed  
C. thanked  
C. extra
C. practice  
C. watch out  
C. realized  
C. seldom  
C. walk
C. need  
C. seriously  
D. good-looking    
D. predicted      
D. break          
D. bath            
D. price          
D. decided        
D. forgave        
D. exact          
D. keep            
D. turn out        
D. announced      
D. never          
D. climb          
D. teach          
D. intelligently  