问题 论述题

(16分)2011年6月15日,上海合作组织峰会在阿斯塔纳举行。胡 * * 在会上发表题为《和平发展 世代友好》的重要讲话指出,要坚持睦邻友好,构建和谐地区;增强本组织抵御现实威胁的能力,确保地区长治久安;推动实现区域经济一体化,促进地区各国共同发展;加强人文合作,推动人民世代友好。上海合作组织成立10年来,各领域合作得到长足发展,成员国经济合作提高到新的水平,在打击“三股势力”方面进行有效合作,国际影响和声望不断增强。未来10年,本组织要增进互信,加强安全、能源、交通、金融等领域合作,确保粮食安全和信息安全。


(2)运用“当代国际社会”的有关知识,说明我国为实现世界“和平发展 世代友好”应作出怎样的努力?(8分)











第—节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Thailand’s giant pandas have finally produced a baby. Chiang Mai zoo director Thanapath said eight-year-old female Lin Hui gave birth to a baby panda weighing about 200 grams.

The pandas, Lin Hui and Chuang Chuang, the zoo’s star residents(居民), had shown no interest in reproducing the traditional way since they both arrived on a 10-year loan from China in 2003. The zoo workers’ effort of artificial insemination(人工授精) worked. The baby panda will officially belong to China but Thailand will raise it for about 24 months, Thanapath said.

Thanapath said Lin Hui is very protective of her child and won’t allow any officials to get close. “She holds the baby very carefully.” he said. “She knows how to be a mother even though she has never been one before.” The baby panda appears to be getting along well with its much larger mother.

The birth appeared on the front pages of many Thai newspapers, which carried photos of the baby which is so tiny that it can be held in the hands of a zoo keeper. Other pictures showed the mother Lin Hui gently holding her baby. Thanapath said, “It is great happiness to see the baby panda.We are so happy that we can breed(繁殖)a panda. Every worker at the zoo is proud and I think every Thai will be proud too.”

Breeding pandas is a common practice in China, where dozens are born each year. But it is a rare thing outside of the country. Giant pandas are among the world’s most endangered animals. Nearly 1,600 pandas are believed to survive in China and about 180 are being raised in zoos worldwide.

41. According to the passage, the two pandas, Lin Hui and Chuang Chuang, ______________.

A. are regarded as the best residents

B. arrived in Thailand four years ago

C. had a baby panda in the traditional way

D. are very popular in the zoo in Thailand

42. The baby panda that Lin Hui gave birht to ______________.

A. will be sent to China in two years        B. is her second baby

C. weighs about one kilogram             D. will stay in Thailand for ten years

43. From Paragraph 3 we learn that Lin Hui_______________.

A. doesn’t know how to protect her baby

B. allows people to touch her baby

C. loves her baby very much

D. always leaves her baby alone

44. We can infer that Lin Hui’s giving birth_________________.

A. set a good example to China          B. was hot news in Thailand

C. was a result of good luck             D. attracted the world’s attention

45. The fact that breeding pandas is a common practice in China indicates that_________________.

A. all pandas in the world should live in China

B. few countries in the world want to breed pandas

C. pandas won’t be in danger in the near future

D. China plays a leading role in breeding pandas