A 68-year-old woman is admitted to the general surgical unit for removal of a breast mass malignancy. In the presurgical assessment of the client, which of the following choices would be most appropriate for the nurse to ask when assessing her self-concept
A. "Let’s talk about what you’d like to do that you haven’t done. "
B. "List for me your accomplishments and achievements in life. "
C. "Tell me how this breast surgery will make you feel about yourself. "
D. "What does your husband say when he compliments you"
解析:Breast surgery can be psychologically traumatic to a woman, especially if she closely links her womanhood and sexuality to her breasts. With this in mind, the nurse must ask proactive questions regarding the client’s feelings about her own breasts. Listing accomplishments or describing ambitions will give the nurse a general impression of the client’s self-concept; however, at this point, the breast-related question is more valuable because of the nature of the illness and the proposed surgery. Eliciting information about the husband’s comments doesn’t focus on the nurse’s assessment of the client’s perception of herself.