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食品化学家A.Saari Csallany和Christine Seppanen说,当豆油被加热到油炸温度(185℃)时,会产生如下所示高毒性物质,许多疾病和这种有毒物质有关,如帕金森症.下列关于这种有毒物质的判断不正确的是(  )













材料一 这件青铜立人像象征当时蜀人的群巫之长,也可能就是某一代蜀王的形象。


材料二 人们常将考古材料、文献材料、民族学的材料相结合,相对比进行研究来探索古代文化的奥秘。……从现存少数民族各种祭祀活动中看,其主持者多为巫师,也有的是长老。他们在主持祭仪时大都要穿法衣,戴法帽,手持法器,在氏族部落时期则为巫师兼酋长。高峰乡火把节傩仪主持人即(是)。……(青铜立人像)的性质确定了,其余小铜人、金面具、青铜面具便不难从高峰彝乡火把节傩仪中找到他们应有的位置,他们都是随同傩神出现的神兵神将。


材料三 不同学科的交互影响……产生了一系列意想不到的理论争鸣,而这些又丰富了整个的考古学讨论。






You might think that hamburgers were invented in the United States, but that is not totally true. These (1) , or patties, actually came from Germany in the middle of the nineteenth century. They were brought to the United States by (2) who came from the city of Hamburg. That is why (3) was "hamburger steak".

However, people in other places (4) that they invented the hamburger. Perhaps we’ll never have a (5) . But there’s no question that the hamburger was a (6) . Why Perhaps because at that time, industry was growing and a kind of (7) food was needed for workers.

The hamburger became even more popular (8) when the first chain of fast food restaurants was started. This chain was called "White Castle". It served tiny hamburgers that were sold for only (9) . Then, in the 1930s there came the (10) where customers were served in their cars by waiters in uniform. And the hamburger was one of the most (11) .

By now, The hamburger was ready to (12) the world. And this happened with McDonald’s, which was actually a (13) at first. But by the early 1950s the hot dog was replaced by the hamburger. McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants (14) around the world throughout the rest of the twentieth century. McDonald’s alone has (15) for everyone person in the world.

The importance of the hamburger to (16) remains significant. About (17) of all sandwiches that are eaten are hamburgers. According to some sources, (18) of current workers in the United States had their first job at McDonald’s. But the face of the hamburger is changing (19) . Nowadays it is possible to buy a chicken burger, a turkey burger, (20) , or veggie burger.
