It was clear that the small grocer was _____ people he owed money to.
A.at the expense of
B.at the risk of
C.in the way of
D.at the mercy of
本题译文:显然,这家小杂铺任凭其债主的摆布。at the mercy of在......支配下:The ship was at the mercy of the waves.(这艘船任凭风浪摆布。)at the expense of以......为代价,靠牺牲......;in the way of碍......事;at the risk of冒......的危险:1)He devoted his time to football at the expense of his studies.(他牺牲学习把时间都花在足球上。) 2)Her social lift got in the way of her studies.(她的社交生活妨碍了她的学习。) 3)We do this at the risk of our lives and liberties.(我们冒丢掉生命和丧失自由的危险做这件事。)