问题 单项选择题

对国务院各部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府所作的具体行政行为提起诉讼的案件,第一审应当由( )管辖。







解析: 招标投标争议行政诉讼的级别管辖是指由哪一级人民法院受理第一审招标投标争议行政诉讼。一般情况下,招标投标争议行政诉讼的第一审由基层人民法院管辖。但是,中级人民法院管辖下列第一审行政案件: (1)对国务院各部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府所作的具体行政行为提起诉讼的案件; (2)被告为县级以上人民政府,且基层人民法院不适宜审理的案件; (3)社会影响重大的共同诉讼、集团诉讼案件; (4)重大涉外或者涉及香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、台湾地区的案件; (5)其他重大、复杂案件。



Several Asian hospitals are doing experiments with tele-medicine. Tele-medicine is a technology that allows doctors to "see" patients without them being in the same place. This is made possible through high-speed communication networks (网络).At both ends of the line, the

way of video-meeting lets them see and talk to each other. Blood pressure (血压) and body temperature are directly shown on computers.

Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some places such as the United States and Germany. Among other uses, village doctors hold "consultations (会诊)" with far-away experts(专家). The experts can also help them during operations.

Tele-medicine has been slow to reach Asia because of high costs, besides other reasons. When things improve, this technology will develop very fast. Chinese University of Hong Kong's medical school has joined a big hospital in Beijing, and Thailand is building a tele-medicine station connecting 20 areas.

Tele-medicine will do good to patients because doctors from different places can see them and give their medical advice. The help is quite important if the disease is an unusual one. It also helps spread medical knowledge among experts.

As tele-medicine develops well, its costs will be lower and it will become very popular in the medical field.

小题1:Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some countries.

小题2:Tele-medicine allows____________ without them being in the same place.

小题3:Why does tele-medicine develop slowly in Asia besides other reasons?


小题4:What is Thailand doing according to the passage?

