问题 多项选择题

公安机关处于国内斗争的第一线,它所面对的是( )。









    Ten-year-old Barack Obama was one of only three black 1             at his school in Hawaii, USA. He felt

very 2              from most other students. White girls wanted to touch his hair. A white boy 3              

him if his father ate people."I lied to them that my father was a Kenyan (肯尼亚) prince (王子).

But I kept asking 4             who I am," said Obama. However, 37 years later, the boy made history.

Obama became the 5              black president (总统) in US history. Obama was 6            in 1961,

to an African father and a white American woman a small town in the USA. He grew 7             in

Indonesia and Hawaii. This unusual background made him wonder who he was. He once turned to

alcohol (酒精) to help forget this question. 8              the help of his friends, Obama finally turned his

life around at college. His hard work made him STAR Harvard (哈佛大学). Later, he became only the

third black senator (参议院) in US history. During his race to the highest post in the US, Obama talked

about this background. He called for a Untied States of America, rather than a white America or a

black America. Obama's success has made Martin Luther King's dream come 9             . That is:

A man should not be judged (判断) by the color of his skin, 10              by the content of his

character (性格). 

                                                                                                                          —From BBC news.


下列各项中,对作品故事情节的叙述不正确的两项是(    )(    )

A 银行家表示,他可以到巴黎替葛朗台清理弟弟的债务,并且不要葛朗台付旅费。葛朗台同意银行家的主张,并且满心欢喜,因为他能不花钱处理弟弟的债务,又博得了“有义气的哥哥”的好名声。(《欧也妮·葛朗台》)

B 就在古杜勒沉浸在母女重逢的喜悦中时,一大队军卒来抓爱斯梅拉达。为了掩护女儿,她与军卒斗智斗勇。就在刽子手抱她的女儿踏上梯子时,她一跃而起,向刽子手猛冲过去,狠狠咬住他的一只手,用尽了最后的力气。(《巴黎圣母院》)

C 堂吉诃德第一次外出当游侠时,他劝说农民桑丘·潘沙做仆从,并允诺将来封他做海岛总督。桑丘家里很穷,正想出去碰碰运气,所以虽然当仆从不赚工钱的,也答应了。(《堂吉诃德》)

