问题 选择题

对协作履行原则的理解正确的是(   )

①是履行合同义务的重要原则 ②它要求当事人不仅要全面履行自己的义务,而且要积极配合对方 ③根据合同性质履行通知、协助、保密等义务属协作履行的表现 ④当事人违反诚实信用原则给对方造成损失的应承担相应的法律责任










                                                 Cooking Demonstration (演示) Today at 10 am

                                                        Quick Asian Noodles by Lynn Lee

     See how quickly you can make a delicious noodle meal in your own kitchen. Lynn Lee, a well-known

  cooking instructor and cookbook author, prepares four meals in less than an hour. Two meals will feature

  boiled noodles and two are prepared by stir-frying. These meals are fit for vegetarians, but you can add

  meat or fish if preferred.

     Take advantage of the special offer for people in today's audience: get Lynn's new book for half price.

  Come today and take home Quick Asian Noodles for only $12.49 instead of $24.98.

     Next week's demonstration: Food in Chinese History

     The cook's Bookshop—2nd floor in the Megmall

1. Lynn Lee will cook _____ at 10 am today.

    A. vegetables      

    B. fish  

    C. meat        

    D. noodles

2. Lynn Lee not only teaches how to cook but also _____ .

    A. writes books on cooking  

    B. has a large food shop

    C. studies Chinese history    

    D. sells Asian noodles

3. The program next week is about _____ .

    A. Asian noodles                

    B. food in Chinese history

    C. the cook's bookstore                

    D. Lynn Lee's life

4. It can be seen from the passage that _____ .

    A. Lynn Lee's meals are not for vegetarians

    B. people can get Lynn Lee's new book without paying anything today

    C. Lynn Lee will cook meals in different ways today

    D. the cook's bookstore is on the first floor in the Megmall
