问题 单项选择题

王某持匕首抢劫张某,在争斗中王某头部撞击墙角昏迷倒地,匕首掉在地上。张某见状,捡起匕首往王某心脏部位猛刺数下,导致王某死亡。对于张某用匕首刺死王某的行为,下列说法正确的是:( )







解析: 《刑法》第二十条规定:“为了使国家、公共利益、本人或者他人的人身、财产和其他权利免受正在进行的不法侵害,而采取的制止不法侵害的行为,对不法侵害人造成损害的,属于正当防卫,不负刑事责任”。本案中王某晕倒,其不法侵害已经停止,故张某行为不属于正当防卫,更不属于防卫过当。故意杀人罪指故意非法地剥夺他人生命的行为,本案中张某对王某的死,主观上持故意心态,客观上实施了剥夺其生命的行为,构成故意杀人罪,应负刑事责任。故选D。


Throw out the bottles and boxes of drugs in your house.A new theory suggests that medicine could be bad for your health.This new theory argues that healing (the process of becoming healthy and strong again) is at our fingertips:we can be healthy by doing Reiki on a regular basis.

Supporters of medical treatment argue that medicine should be trusted since it is effective and scientifically proven.They say that there is no need for spiritual methods such as Reiki, Yoga,Tai Chi.These waste our time,something that is quite precious in our material world.There is medicine that can kill our pain and x-rays that show us our broken bones.We must admit that these methods are very effective in the examples that they provide.However, there are some “everyday complaints”such as back pains,headaches,which are treated currently with medicine.When you have a headache,you take an Aspirin;when you cannot sleep,you take Xanax without thinking of the side effects of these.When you use these pills for a long period,you become dependent on them;you cannot sleep without them.We pay huge amounts of money but never get better.How about a safer and more economical way of healing?When doing Reiki to yourself,you do not need anything except your energy so it is very economical.Also,there are no side effects and it is scientifically explained.

They also claim that serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and cancer cannot be treated without drugs.They think so because these patients spend the rest of their lives in the hospital taking medicine.How can Reiki make these people healthy again? It is very unfortunate that these patients have to live in the hospital losing their hair and weight because of the side effects of the medicine they take.Actually,instead of drugs which are expensive and have many side effects,you can use your energy to overcome the hardships of life,find an emotional balance,leave the stress of everyday life and let go of the everyday worries.

Some people may still hold that in our material world,everything depends on time.How

would it be possible to find time to do Reiki?In fact,Reiki does not require more than 15 minutes of our time.It is less time consuming than medicine if we think of all the time we spend taking medicine for some complaints and taking some more for the side effects as well.

小题1:The author's attitude towards Reiki is        




D.doubtful小题2:Which statement does the passage lead you to believe?

A.Reiki will soon become the most popular exercise around the world.

B.Reiki is an effective treatment but not scientifically explained.

C.Reiki can make people less dependent on drugs.

D.Reiki is a kind of cheap drug but works well.小题3:How many advantages of Reiki are mentioned in the last two paragraphs?




D.Seven.小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? 

A.A New Way of Treating Illness.

B.Health and Healing at Your Fingers.

C.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Reiki.

D.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Medicine.