问题 单项选择题


A.不遇到艰难险阻,中 * * 的民族精神就不能凝聚迸发


C.风雨的砥砺,只会让中 * * 更加坚强不屈,但民族精神不会因此而强大




解析:在同四川汶川大地震的艰苦搏斗中,中 * * 和中国人民展现了伟大的抗震救灾精神。作为这一精神的丰厚底蕴,我们在抗震救灾斗争中始终坚持的以人为本的理念和尊重科学的态度,不仅让世界对中国产生了新的认识和看法,也在对民族精神的实践和弘扬中,开掘了新的内涵,开辟了新的境界。


     Sydney is Australia's most exciting city. The history of Australia begins here. In 1788, Captain Arthur

Phillips arrived in Sydney with 11 ships and 1,024 passengers (including 770 prisoners) from Britain.

Today there are 2.5 million people in Sydney. It is the biggest city in Australia, and one of the most

beautiful cities in the world.

     There are over 20 fine beaches close to Sydney. Its warm summer climate and cool winter have made

it a favorite city for immigrants (移民) from overseas. There are three things that made Sydney famous-its beautiful harbor, the Sydney Harbor Bridge,and the Sydney Opera House.

But there are many more interesting things in Sydney: beautiful shops and restaurants, for example, rows

of interesting old houses built everywhere in the 19th century. Summer or winter, day or night, Sydney is

an outdoor city.

     Some Americans think it is very British. Some British visitors think it is like America. There is some

truth in both these opinions, because Sydney takes from both the Old World-Europe, and the New

World-America, and makes it into something that is neither British nor American but truly Australian.

1. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Sydney is a silent city.

B. Sydney is a busy city.

C. Sydney is a new city.

D. Sydney is a common city.

2. In 1788, Captain Arthur Phillips arrived in Sydney________.

A. with some ships and more than 1,000 passengers

B. with 11 ships and only 700 prisoners

C. with 1,024 passengers besides 700 prisoners

D. with only more than ten ships and some helpers

3. What made Sydney famous?

A. Three things-the beautiful harbor, the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.

B. Immigrants from Britain, the beautiful Harbor and ships.

C. Beautiful shops, modern restaurants and interesting old houses and seas.

D. The Sydney Opera House, interesting old houses and interesting restaurants

4. The climate in Sydney is________.

A. hot in summer and cold in winter

B. warm all the year round

C. neither too hot nor too cold

D. cool all through the year

5. The writer thinks Sydney________.

A. is like America

B. is very British

C. is neither British nor American but truly Australian

D. takes from Europe