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2012年5月23日电正在日内瓦举行的第65届世界卫生大会23日选举中国推荐的候选人陈冯富珍女士为世界卫生组织下任总干事。这是陈冯富珍担任世卫组织总干事5年半后再次当选。世界卫生组织是(  )









Ten thousand years ago, as the last ice age drew to a close, sea levels around the world were far lower than they are today. Much of the land under the North Sea and the English Channel was part of a huge region of forests and grassy plains. Then the climate gradually became warmer and the water trapped in glaciers and ice caps was released. This ancient land was submerged in the resulting deluge and all that remains to tell us that it was once lush and verdant— and inhabited — is the occasional stone tool, harpoon or mammoth tusk brought up from the sea bed by fishing boats.
Now the development of advanced sonar technology, known as bathymetry, is making it possible to study this flooded landscape in extraordinary detail. While previous devices have only been able to produce two-dimensional images, bathymetry makes use of computers, satellite positioning devices and special software to create accurate and remarkably detailed maps. For the first time an ancient river bed leaps out of the three-dimensional image, complete with rocky ledges rising up from the bottom of the valley. The sites of pre-historic settlements can now be pinpointed, and it is also possible to see in stunning detail the sunken shipwrecks that litter this part of the sea bed.
According to archaeologist Dr Linda Andrews, this technological development is of huge significance. "We now have the ability to map the sea bed as accurately as we can map dry land," she says. She is, however, scathing about the scale of government funding for such projects. "We have better images of Mars and Venus than of two-thirds of our own planet! In view of the fact that Britain is a maritime nation, and the sea has had such a massive influence on us, it’s an absolute scandal that we know so little about the area just off our shores!"
Once bathymetric techniques have identified sites where people might have built their homes and villages, divers could be sent down to investigate further. The idea of Britain as a natural island kingdom will be challenged by these findings: Britain has been inhabited for about 500,000 years, and for much of this time it has been linked on and off to continental Europe. It remains to be seen how far this new awareness is taken on board among our "island" people.
In fact, the use of bathymetry scanners will not be limited to the study of lost landscapes and ancient settlements. It will also be vital in finding shipwrecks. Records show that there are about 44,000 shipwrecks off the shores of Britain, but there is good reason to believe that the real figure is much higher. In addition, commercial applications are a real possibility. Aggregates for the construction industry are becoming increasingly expensive, and bathymetry scanners could be used to identify suitable sites for quarrying this material. However, mapping the sea bed will also identify places where rare plants and shellfish have their homes. Government legislation may prevent digging at such sites, either to extract material for a profit or to make the water deeper: there are plans to dredge parts of the English Channel to provide deeper waterways for massive container ships.

What is the most important aspect of the new scanning technique

A.(A) It can attract more government funding for mapping.

B.(B) It only requires the use of an echo sounder.

C.(C) It can measure the depth of the sea bed with accuracy.

D.(D) It reveals important details of underwater topography.

不定项选择 A3/A4型题


以下是学习心理咨询师课程的两个学生甲和乙,在学习认知行为疗法时的一段谈话。甲:我曾经学习过认知行为疗法,但有些问题不是很明白,我怎么理解这个方法的基本理论呢?乙:认知行为疗法是通过改变思维和行为的方法改变不良认知,达到消除不良情绪和行为的短程心理咨询方法。它具有以下几个特点:第一,求助者和咨询师是合作的关系。第二,求助者的心理痛苦的原因是认知发生了机能障碍。第三,强调改变认知进而改变情绪与行为。第四,这是针对具体的和结构性的目标问题的长期和启发引导性的咨询。甲:是的,我感觉应该在咨询中首先帮助求助者认识其行为问题背后的错误认知观念,但我对提问和自我审查技术还理解的不深刻。乙:所谓提问,就是咨询师提出特定的问题,引出求助者以前经历过但被忽略了的问题。所谓自我审查,就是鼓励求助者说出他对自己的看法,并对自己的看法进行细致的体验和反省。这两个技术的关键是引导求助者时谈话内容要给予具体的、可见的事实,避免空洞的理论讨论。甲:求助者的错误观念是分层次的,表层的错误观念比较好解决,通过提问、演示和模仿三个技术就可以解决,可深层错误观念就没那么容易了。乙:是的,矫正核心错误观念的技术是语义分析技术,最为关键的是改变求助者原有的 “主一谓一表”句式结构,从而使求助者根据较为客观的标准看待自己的问题,用对具体事件的评价取代对自我的整体性评价,从而改变根深蒂固的核心错误观念。甲:是的,在改变认知中,咨询师应该强调自助的家庭作业,通过家庭作业,求助者能够在日常生活中检验他们的信念,实际上这也是治疗过程的延续。乙:使用认知行为疗法要特别注意理解原理,贝克的理论中有几个重要的概念,共同感受、自动化思维和规则,由此引出了认知歪曲的概念,如主观推断,选择性概括,过度概括,夸大或缩小,个人化,个性化,贴标签和错贴标签,极端思维等等。甲:是的,我理解改变情绪与行为最直接的方式就是改变不正确及功能失调的思维,贝克提出了五种具体的认知治疗技术,识别自动化思维,识别认知性错误,真实性验证,学习新的内部对话,去中心化,认知改变的评估,通过这些技术,最终解决求助者的问题。乙:对,除此之外,还有雷米的理论,实际上雷米与贝克理论的基本前提都是一致的,但雷米更强调自我概念,他提出了“中心一边缘”模型,他认为每一组群集中的各个错误观念,其重要性是不同的。他提出治疗的目的是揭示并改变那些中心的、深层的错误观念,而治疗手段应从边缘、表层的错误观念入手,逐步靠近中心,挖掘深层并最终予以矫正。甲:我知道还有梅肯鲍姆的认知行为矫正技术,他认为求助者的自我陈述在很大程度上影响自己的行为,因此应该关注求助者自我言语表达的改变,其中灾变祛除起着关键的作用,他将咨询治疗分为三个阶段,自我观察、开始新的内部对话和学习新技能。乙:是的,掌握认知行为技术对咱们俩来说非常重要,用这种方法可以有效地帮助求助者解决一般的心理问题,对抑郁、恐惧等神经症也有明显效果,但它不能解决所有心理问题,因此咱们还要尽快掌握其他的理论和方法。甲:对,说到底还是要多进行咨询实践。




