问题 材料题


材料一 自英国古典主义经济学家亚当·斯密在1776年3月9日完成了他的经济学著作《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(即《国富论》)之后,“自由主义经济”  就被西方资本主义国家视为经济运行的金科玉律。他们认为:市场这只“看不见的手”会自发地调节供需之间的平衡,市场就是万能的上帝,而政府的角色只应是资本主义的“守夜人”。——左大培《浅析市场万能论的错误》

材料二 1936年凯恩斯在观察了1929年的经济危机后发表了他的划时代著作《就业、利息和货币通论》,他主张加强国家对经济的干预,采取措施增加公共开支,降低利率,刺激投资和消费,以提高有效需求,实现充分就业。 ——人教版历史必修二




 等待领取救济食品的人群       美国修建的田纳西水利工程



材料四 芝加哥学派的经济学家强调自由市场的重要性,认为政府对经济干预越少越好。到20世纪80年代,他们的主张被英美等国用以改造二战后的资本主义。英美等国政府通过私有化不断从经济领域撤出,但政府在经济领域中的作用依然重要,其首要责任从财富分配和保障平等转变为激励个人的独创精神 及财富创造,同时又采取措施以弥补新政策的缺陷。——据耶金等《制高点》



材料五 前苏联国家宪法将社会保障确立为国家制度。政府和企业缴蚋保险费,公民则免费享受社会保障权利。其中社会保障由社会保险和社会福利两部分组成。 ——中国保险网(2001年)



材料六 邓 * * 同志今年初重要谈话进一步指出,计划经济不等于社会主义,资本主义也有计划;市场经济不等于资本主义,社会主义也有市场。计划和市场都是经济手段。计划多一点还是市场多一点,不是社会主义与资本主义的本质区别。——实践的发展和认识的深化,要求我们明确提出,我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制,以利于进一步解放和发展生产力。——1994年《中共十四大报告》














     If you ask people to name the one person who had the greatest effect on the English language, you will

get answers like "Shakespeare," "Samuel Johnson," and "Webster," but none of these men had any effect at

all compared to a man who didn't even speak English -William the Conqueror.

     Before 1066,in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to two major language groups.

In the west-central region lived the Welsh, who spoke a Celtic language,and in the north lived the Scots,

whose language, though not the same as Welsh, was also Celtic.In the rest of the country lived the Saxons,

actually a mixture of Anglos, Saxons,and other Germanic and Nordic people,who spoke what we now call

Anglo-Saxon (or Old English ), a Germanic language. If this state of affairs had lasted, English today would

be close to German.

     But this state of affairs did not last. In 1066 the Normans led by William defeated the Saxons and began

their rule over England.For about a century,French became the official language of England while Old English

became the language of peasants. As a result,English words of politics and the law come from French rather

than German. In some cases,modern English even shows a distinction (区别) between upper-class French

and lower-class Anglo-Saxon in its words.We even have different words for some foods, meat in particular,

depending on whether it is still out in the fields or at home ready to be cooked,which shows the fact that the

Saxon peasants were doing the farming, while the upper-class Normans were doing most of the eating.

     When Americans visit Europe for the first time, they usually find Germany more "foreign" than France

because the German they see on signs and advertisements seems much more different from English than

French does.Few realize that the English language is actually Germanic in its beginning and that the French

influences are all the result of one man's ambition.

1. The two major languages spoken in what is now called Great Britain before 1066 were _____. 

A. Welsh and Scottish

B. Nordic and Germanic

C. Celtic and Old English

D. Anglo-Saxon and Germanic

2. Which of the following groups of words are,by inference,rooted in French?

A. president,lawyer,beef

B. president, bread,water

C. bread,field,sheep

D. folk,field,cow

3. Why does France appear less foreign than Germany to Americans on their first visit to Europe?

A. Most advertisements in France appear in English.

B. They know little of the history of the English language.

C. Many French words are similar to English ones.

D. They know French better than German.

4. What is the subject discussed in the text?

A. The history of Great Britain.

B. The similarity between English and French

C. The rule of England by William the Conqueror.

D. The French influences on the English language.