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甲公司2014年年初递延所得税负债的余额为零,递延所得税资产的余额为30万元(系2013年年末应收账款的可抵扣暂时性差异产生)。甲公司2014年度有关交易和事项的会计处理中,与税法规定存在差异的有: 资料一:2014年1月1日,购入一项非专利技术并立即用于生产A产品,成本为200万元,因无法合理预计其带来经济利益的期限,作为使用寿命不确定的无形资产核算。2014年12月31日,对该项无形资产按照10年的期限摊销,有关摊销额允许税前扣除。 资料二:2014年1月1日,按面值购入当日发行的三年期国债1000万元,作为持有至到期投资核算。该债券票面利率为5%,每年年末付息一次,到期偿还面值。2014年12月31日,甲公司确认了50万元的利息收入。根据税法规定,国债利息收免征企业所得税。 资料三:2014年12月31日,应收账款账面余额为10000万元,减值测试前坏账准备的余额为200万元,减值测试后补提坏账准备100万元。根据税法规定,提取的坏账准备不允许税前扣除。 资料四:2014年度,甲公司实现的利润总额为10070万元,使用的所得税税率;预计从2015年开始适用的所得税税率为25%,且未来期间保持不变。假定未来期间能够产生足够的因纳税所得额用以抵扣暂时性差异,不考虑其他因素。 要求:












     Jack is in Grade Three now. He is a politeboy and studies hard.  He is good at his lessons andcan

answer all the questions in class.  His teachersand classmates like him except Henry. They'redeskmates,

but Henry likes playing and often failsin the exams.  His father is a dentist and gets a lotof money.  The

boy thinks he lives in the richestfamily in town. So he looks down upon(瞧不起)others and laughs at

them. Of course he has fewfriends.        

     Jack is busy all the time.  His father is a shoe-maker. The man has to work hard but he can't buy

enough food for his family. He tells Jack to helphim after school.  So the boy has to do all his home-

work at school. He's ready to do so.  

     One summer aftemoon, on his way home,Jack met his sister Lily.      

The girl carried a heavy box in her arms with-out wearing shoes. Jack carried it for her. Henrysaw her

and said, "Your father is a shoe-maker,but your sister has no shoes ! "    

     "I don't think it's strange," retumed Jack."Your father is a dentist, but your sister has noteeth when

she was bom ! “

1. The teachers and classmates like Jack because______.

A.he does well in his 1essons

B. he's polite to everybody

C. he's a bad boy

D. A and B

2. Henry thinks______, so he looks down upon any other child.

A. he plays well

B.his father is a dentist

C. he's very clever

D. his family is the richest

3. Henry has few friends because______.

A. he is weak in his lessons

B. he often laughs at others

C. he doesn't study hard

D. he always stays at home

4. One day, Henry laughed at Jack because.

A. Jack's sister didn't wear shoes

B. Jack's sister had to work

C. Jack had to help his father

D. Jack's father was.a shoe-maker

5.We can know from the passage that______ .

A. Jack didn't help his father do housework

B. Jack was helpful to his family

C.Henry did well in all his lessons

D. Jack's family was very rich
