问题 问答题

自19世纪中叶起,西方列强挟坚船利炮,发动了侵略中国的一系列战争,清政府被迫与列强签订了一系列不平等条约。备尝屈辱和悲苦的中 * * 为了反抗侵略,前仆后继,进行了不屈不挠的英勇抗争,谱写了一幕幕可歌可泣的反侵略篇章。










(2)《南京条约》 中国开始沦为半殖民地半封建社会《马关条约》大大加深了中国社会的半殖民地化程度《辛丑条约》中国完全沦为半殖民地半封建社会。

(3)邓世昌 不屈不挠的斗争精神、反抗外来侵略的坚强决心、维护中 * * 利益和尊严的爱国主义精神等。



     1970 was "World Conservation Year". The UN wanted everyone to know

that the world was in danger - they hoped that governments would act quickly

in order to conserve  nature. Here is one example of the problem. At one time

there were 1,300 different plants, trees and flowers in Holland, but now only

remain 860. The others have been destroyed by modern man and his technology. We are changing the earth, the air and the water, and everything that grows and

lives here. We can't live without these things. If it continues like this, we shall

destroy ourselves.

     What will happen in the future? Perhaps it is more important to ask "What

must we do now?" The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow

are the young of today. A lot of them know that conservation is necessary.

Many are helping to save our world. They plant trees, build bridges across

rivers in forests, and so on. In a small town in the United States a large group

of girls cleaned the banks of 11 kilometers of their river. Young people may

hear about conservation through a record called NO ONE'S GOING TO

CHANGE OUR WORLD. It was made by the Beatles and other singers. The

money from it will help to conserve wild animals.

1. The UN set up "World Conservation Year" because                .

A. the world was in danger of war

B. the government had done something to protect the world

C. many things were destroyed by the technology

D. man and his technology destroyed the earth badly

2.            Kinds of plants have disappeared in Holland in the past few years.

A .860 B. 440 C. 1,300 D. 2,160

3. "NO ONE'S GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD" is             .

A. a record

B. a song

C. a book

D. a CD

4. It is impossible to save our world if we              .

A. plant trees

B. clean the banks of rivers

C. pick rubbish

D.listen to the record

5. The passage mainly tells us_________.

A. he people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today

B. hat will happen in the world in the future

C. conservation of nature is necessary

D. everyone has known the importance of conservation of nature since 1970
