问题 单项选择题

有种观点认为,到21世纪初,和发达国家相比,发展中国家将有更多的人死于艾滋病。 其根据是:据统计,艾滋病毒感染者人数在发达国家趋于稳定或略有下降,在发展中国家却持续快速发展;到21世纪初,估计全球的艾滋病毒感染者将达到4000万至1亿1千万人,其中,60%将集中在发展中国家。这一观点缺乏充分的说服力。因为,同样权威的统计数据表明,发达国家艾滋病感染者从感染到发病的平均时间要大大短于发展中国家,其从发病到死亡的平均时间只有发展中国家的1/2。 以下哪项最为恰当地概括了上述反驳所使用的方法







解析: 题干所反驳的观点的结论是:到21世纪初,和发达国家相比,发展中国家将有更多的人死于艾滋病。其根据是:艾滋病毒感染者人数在发达国家趋于稳定或略有下降,在发展中国家却持续快速上升。题干对此所做的反驳实际上指出:上述观点把“死于艾滋病的人数”和“感染艾滋病毒的人数”这两个相近的概念错误地当做同一概念使用;艾滋病毒感染者人数在发达国家虽低于发展中国家,但由于发达国家的艾滋病感染者从感染到发病,以及从发病到死亡的平均时间要大大短于发展中国家,因此,其实际死于艾滋病的人数仍可能多于发展中国家。因此,B项恰当地概括了题干中的反驳所使用的方法。其余各项均不恰当。

        We all like getting into gossip (闲聊). Studies s    1     that gossiping
releases (释放) our emotions and reduces tension (紧张). Research has
proved that in the USA, gossiping can make people more democratic (民主,平等). It is a way of free expression. While gossiping, people
communicate with a free mind.
        Gossiping h   2     us shift (转移) our interest to others. When we gossip, we seldom discuss our own
problems. We generally discuss another person who is not present. Doing so, we laugh away our own cares.
Sometimes we feel sorry for a person involved in a particular problem. And we also come up with solutions to his problems. More happiness flows into our lives when we help and guide a person we are t    3     about.
        But, be aware of the dangerous side of gossiping! Gossiping can be harmful if you h     4     others on
purpose. When you start speaking i     5      of someone, you start criticizing others for nothing. When you
gossip with an ill-will, it makes you tense. Tension naturally comes to you when you try to make others tense. 
       Why do people talk badly about each other? People pass bad remarks about others simply out of hatred (憎恨), fear, envy (妒忌), and greed. The person making insulting (侮辱性的) remarks thinks his listener will keep
the talk a s    6    , but gossiping travels faster than the wind! And still faster when the gossiping is bad!     
        We all gossip at one time or another. After gossiping, people feel l    7     and relaxed. But purely bad
gossiping makes us tense and envious of others.