问题 选择题

五粮液集团自20世纪80年代初推行全面质量管理以来,始终坚定地走质量、规模效益发展的道路,坚持以质量管理为中心环节,以提高全员的质量意识和技能来保证产品的质量。提高企业职工的质量意识和技能,对劳动者来说(  )

①是劳动者主人翁地位的体现 ②是劳动者必须履行的义务 ③是劳动者应享有的权利 ④是劳动者迎接21世纪挑战的需要









Successful films and TV programs make large amounts of money, and so do the performers who appear in them. A few big shows can make a rock musician a millionaire(百万富翁) in a very short time. High art, however, has serious financial(财政的) problems. It costs more to put on an opera(歌剧)concert, or ballet(芭蕾) than the sale of tickets can bring in. Men and women interested in high art are always being asked to give money to make future performance possible. Small government subsidies(津贴) have also helped to support the arts in the last few years.

56. It is easier for ______ to make money.

A. an opera performer          B. a pianist    

C. a ballet actor               D. A rock musician

57. High art has financial problems because ________.

no people would offer money for it      

it is not supported by the government

it cost much but not many people enjoy it 

prices of tickets for it are not high enough

58. The government has given ________ money to support _______ in the last few years.

A. a large amount of… high art              B. a small amount of… high art

C. little… all kinds of art                   D. plenty of… popular art

59. From the passage we can concluded (推断) that ________.

A. high art is not enjoyed by young people

B. successful films and TV programs are called high arts

C. all people enjoy popular art instead of high art

D. most people like popular art better than high art