问题 单项选择题


下列操作中正确的是( )。







解析: R表中只有一个域名A,有两个记录,分别是m和n: s 表中有两个域名,分别是B和C,其所对应的记录分别为1和3。表T是由R的第一个记录依次与S的所有记录组合,然后再由R的第二个记录与S的所有记录组合,形成的一个新表。上述运算符合关系代数的笛卡尔积运算规则。关系代数中,笛卡尔积运算用“×”来表示。因此,上述运算可以表示为T=R×S。

     Several years ago, while attending a communication course, I experienced a most unusual process. The
instructor asked us to list   1   in our past that we felt   2   of, regretted, or incomplete about and read our
lists aloud.
     This seemed like a very   3   process, but there's always some   4   soul in the crowd who will volunteer. The instructor then   5   that we find ways to   6   people, or take some action to right any wrong doings. I
was seriously wondering how this could ever   7   my communication.
     Then the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story: "Making my   8  , I remembered an
incident from high school. I grew up in a small town. There was a Sheriff   9   of us kids liked. One night, my two buddies and I decided to play a   10   on him.
     After drinking a few beers, we climbed the tall water tank in the middle of the town, and wrote on the
tank in bright red paint: Sheriff Brown is a s.o.b.(畜生). The next day, almost the whole town saw our
glorious   11  . Within two hours, Sheriff Brown had us in his office. My friends told the truth but I lied. No
one   12   found out."
     "Nearly 20 years later, Sheriff Brown's name   13   on my list. I didn't even know if he was still   14  .
Last weekend, I dialed the information in my hometown and found there was a Roger Brown still listed. I
tried his number. After a few   15  , I heard, "Hello?" I said, "Sheriff Brown?" Paused. "Yes." "Well, this is
Jimmy Calkins."
     "And I want you to know that I did it!" Paused. "I knew it!" he yelled back. We had a good laugh and a   16   discussion. His closing words were: "Jimmy, I always felt bad for you   17   your buddies got it off
their chest, but you were carrying it   18   all these years. I want to thank you for calling me...for your sake."
Jimmy inspired me to   19   all 101 items on my list within two years, and I always remember what I learned from the course: It's never too late to   20   the past wrongdoings.
( )1. A. something
( )2. A. ashamed  
( )3. A. private  
( )4. A. foolish  
( )5. A. expected  
( )6. A. connect with
( )7. A. improve  
( )8. A. notes    
( )9. A. any    
( )10. A. part    
( )11. A. view    
( )12. A. also    
( )13. A. appears  
( )14. A. angry    
( )15. A. words    
( )16. A. cold    
( )17. A. in case  
( )18. A. around  
( )19. A. build up
( )20. A. regret
B. anything  
B. afraid    
B. secret    
B. polite    
B. suggested
B. depend on
B. continue  
B. list      
B. most      
B. game      
B. sign      
B. even      
B. considers
B. happy    
B. rings    
B. plain    
B. so long as
B. out      
B. make up  
B. forgive
C. somebody    
C. sure        
C. interesting
C. simple
C. ordered    
C. apologize to  
C. realize    
C. plan        
C. none        
C. trick      
C. attention  
C. still      
C. presents    
C. doubtful    
C. repeats    
C. nervous    
C. unless      
C. on          
C. clear up    
C. right    
D. anybody      
D. proud        
D. funny        
D. brave        
D. demanded      
D. get along with
D. keep          
D. stories      
D. all          
D. record        
D. remark        
D. ever          
D. remembers    
D. alive        
D. calls        
D. lively        
D. because      
D. away          
D. give up      
D. punish        
问答题 简答题