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“认识自我” 纪伯伦一个雨夜,赛艾姆坐在书房的书架前,开始翻阅起旧书。他叼着支土耳其大雪茄,厚厚的嘴唇不时喷涌出一阵烟雾。柏拉图记录的他的老师苏格拉底关于“认识自我”的一段对话引起了赛艾姆的注意……赛艾姆掩卷深思,心中油然漾起一种对东西方哲人圣贤敬佩的感情。“认识你自己。”他嘟囔着苏格拉底这句名言,猛地从座椅上站了起来,展开双臂大声叹道,“对!我必须认识自我,洞察自己那秘密的心灵,这样我就抛脱了一切疑惧和不安,从我物质的人中找出我精神的人,从我血与肉的具体存在中找出我的抽象实质,这就是生命赋予我的至高无上的神圣使命!”赛艾姆像害了场热病,眼中闪烁着酷爱“认识自我”的狂热光芒。他踱到邻屋,像座塑像一样伫立在穿衣镜前,凝视着镜子里鬼一般可怕的自我,并默默地估量着自己的头形、面庞、躯干和四肢。赛艾姆的这种塑像神态持续了半小时,空灵缥缈的“认识自我”,仿佛给他灌注了一套足以揭示自我灵魂秘密的奇异、升华了的思想,并使他心里充满了理性之光。他平静地启动双唇,自言自语地说:“嗯!从身材上看,我是矮小的,但拿破仑、维克多·雨果两位不也是这般吗我的前额不宽,天庭欠圆,可苏格拉底和斯宾诺莎也是如此;我承认我是秃顶,这并不寒碜,因为有大名鼎鼎的莎士比亚与我为伴;我的鹰鼻弯长,如同伏尔泰和乔治·华盛顿的一样;我的双眼凹陷,使徒保罗和哲人尼采亦是这般;我那肥厚嘴唇足以同路易十四媲美,而我那粗胖的脖子堪与汉尼拔和马克·安东尼齐肩。“不错,我的身体是有缺陷,但要注意,这是伟大的思想家们的共同特点。更奇怪的是,我与巴尔扎克一样,阅读写作时,咖啡壶一定要放在身旁;我同托尔斯泰一样,愿意与粗俗的民众交际攀谈;有时我三四天不洗手脸,贝多芬、惠特曼亦有这一习惯;我的嗜酒如命,足令马娄和诺亚自愧弗如;我的饕餮般暴食暴饮使巴夏酋长和亚历山大王也要大出冷汗。”又沉默了片刻,赛艾姆用肮脏的指尖点了点脑门,继续发言:“这就是我!这就是我的实在。我拥有迄今为止人类历史上的伟人们的种种品质。一位拥有这么多伟大品质的青年是一定能干一番惊天动地的事业的。“睿智的实质是认识自我。伟人们把宇宙的这一伟大思想根植于我心灵深处,并激励我开始去干伟大的工作。从诺亚到苏格拉底,从薄伽丘到雪莱,我伴随着伟人们一起渡过了历史的风风雨雨。我不知道我会以什么样的伟大行动开始,不过一个兼备在白昼的劳作和夜晚的幻梦中所形成的神秘自我和真正本性的人,无疑是可以开创伟业的……是的,我已经认识了自己,而神灵也已洞鉴了我。啊!我的灵魂万岁!自我万岁!愿天长地久,诸事如愿!”赛艾姆在屋里踱来踱去,他那丑陋的脸上荡漾着欢乐的光泽,嘴里不时发出一阵像猫啃骨头时的欢快叫声。他反复吟哦着阿比·阿拉的一段诗文:尽管我是这个时代的晚辈,创业祖先的未竞之业,总会历史地压在我的肩背。过了一会儿,我们的这位赛艾姆穿着他那肮脏的衣服倒卧在乱七八糟的床上,进入了鼾声如雷的梦乡。





Passage Three

From the beginning, migration has been 6ne of the most conspicuous features of human history. Humanity did not appear simultaneously all over the earth but, according to the current scientific consensus, first evolved in Africa, and from there spread far and wide. Even after mankind had populated most of the planet, migration continued to play a decisive role in history down the centuries, as people contended for territory and the resources that go with it. In many of history’s biggest movements of people, the migrants were not volunteers. In the 17th and 18th centuries, 15 million people were taken as slaves from Africa and shipped to Brazil, the Caribbean and North America. In the 19th century, between 10 and 40 million indentured workers (契约工人,苦力) were sent in vast numbers around the world, mainly from China and India.
The 20th century’s wars in Europe and Asia displaced millions more. But perhaps the most intense episode of migration-under-duress (强迫) in modern times occurred after the partition of India in 1947, when 7 million Muslims fled India for the new state of Pakistan and 7 million Hindus fled in the opposite direction.
As individuals, not merely as members of races or religions in flight, people have always traveled in search of a better life. Between the middle of the 19th century and the start of the second world war, 60 million people left Europe and move overseas to the United States, Canada, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Much of this movement was guided by economic calculation. Most modern migration is of this kind, though nowadays the pull is high wages rather than cheap land.
For the 19th century or so, the pattern of migration has shifted a good deal, with changes in government policy playing a key role. Until t914 governments imposed almost no controls. This allowed the enormous 19th-century movement of migrants from Europe to North America.
Between 1914 and 1945; partly reflecting security concerns, migration was curtailed. Many countries excluded immigrants. America’s Congress passed laws aiming to preserve the country’s racial and religious makeup.
After 1945 came another great change. Many European countries faced labor shortages. Governments actively recruited immigrants for jobs in their expanding industries. Migration surged again, now not mainly from Europe to North America but from the developing countries to the rich ones.
The next big change came in the 1970s. The rich countries were no longer growing quickly and struggling with labor shortages. Recession came to Europe and America, and immigration rules were tightened again. This more restrictive regime continues to apply.

The last paragraph tells us that ______ .

A.Europe and America are still faced with labor shortage

B.Europe and America are not growing economically now

C.recession continues to affect Europe and America

D.immigration rules are still tightened now in Europe and America