问题 单项选择题

30岁已婚女性,结婚2年未孕。以往月经规律,现停经45天,少量 * * 流血5天。妇科检查:子宫颈口闭,有举痛,子宫中位,正常大小,左侧扪及约3cm直径肿块,明显触痛,右侧轻度增厚。尿妊娠试验可疑阳性。其最大可能的诊断是








解析:停经史、 * * 不规则出血、附件区不规则包块、腹痛、尿妊娩可疑阳性,高度怀疑异位妊娠。



     When I was six, Dad brought home a dog one day, who was called "Brownie". My brothers and I all

loved Brownie and did different things with her. One of us would walk her, another would feed her, then

there were baths, playing catch and many other games. Brownie, in return, loved each and every one of us. One thing that most touched my heart was that she would go to whoever was sick and just be with them. We always felt better when she was around.

     One day, as I was getting her food, she chewed up(咬破)one of Dad's shoes, which had to be thrown away in the end. I knew Dad would be mad and I had to let her know what she did was wrong. When I

looked at her and said, "Bad girl, "she looked down at the ground and then went and hid. I saw a tear in

her eyes.

     Brownie turned out to be more than just our family pet. She went everywhere with us. People would

stop and ask if they could pet her. Of course she'd let anyone pet her. She was just the most lovable dog. There were many times when we' d be out walking and a small child would come over and pull on her hair. She never barked(吠) or tried to get away. Funny thing is she would smile. This frightened people because they thought she was showing her teeth. Far from the truth, she loved everyone.        .

     Now many years have passed since Brownie died of old age. I still miss the days when she was with


1. What would Brownie do when someone was ill in the family?

A. Look at them sadly.

B. Keep them company.

C. Play games with them

D. Touch them gently.

2. We can infer from Paragraph 2 that Brownie _____________.

A. would eat anything when hungry          

B. felt sorry for her mistake

C. loved playing hide-and-seek              

D. disliked the author's dad

3. Why does the author say that Brownie was more than just a family pet?

A. She was treated as a member of the family.  

B. She played games with anyone she liked.

C. She was loved by everybody she met.      

D. She went everywhere with the family.

4. Some people got frightened by Brownie when she_______.

A. smiled        

B. barked      

C. rushed to them    

D. tried to be funny

5. Which of the following best describes Brownie?

A. shy.          

B. polite.      

C. Brave.            

D. Caring.
