问题 填空题












(6)元素F的单质常温下是一种气体,工业上主要是通过电解其钠盐的饱和溶液的方法获得该气体,假定装入的饱和溶液为100 mL(电解前后溶液体积变化可忽略),当测得阴极上产生11.2 mL(标准状况)气体时停止通电,将溶液摇匀,此时溶液的pH为________。


(1)第二周期第ⅤA族 (2)2Na2O2+2H2O=4Na+4OH+O2↑ (3)氧 bc (4)H+HSO3-=SO2↑+H2O (5)> (6)12

原子半径最小的元素是氢;最外层电子数是次外层电子数的2倍,B元素是碳;题意说明C元素的氢化物溶液为碱性,故是氮元素;E元素为第三周期元素,故其最外层电子数为6,所以D、E是氧、硫,则F是氯。(3)氧、硫同主族,故氧的非金属性比硫强。沸点是物质的物理性质,不能作为判断非金属性的依据,a项错误;S、O形成的化合物中,共用电子对偏向非金属性强的元素,b正确;氢化物的稳定性可以作为判断非金属性的依据,而其水溶液酸性强弱不能作为判断非金属性强弱的依据,c正确、d错误。(4)NaHSO4为强酸酸式盐、NaHSO3为弱酸酸式盐,故书写离子方程式时,HSO3-不能拆分。(5)X为醋酸、Y是HCl,pH相等时,加入锌随着反应的进行,醋酸电离平衡继续向右移动,产生氢气的反应速率较快。(6)电解NaCl溶液:2NaCl+2H2O2NaOH+Cl2↑+H2↑,故产生OH的物质的量:n(OH)=2n(H2)=×2=10-3 mol,c(OH)==10-2 mol·L-1,根据水的离子积常数,可知c(H)=10-12 mol·L-1,pH=12。



     Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us.  It

 makes you strong and smart.  If' you exercise every day, you can get good grades in the exam and do

  homework well.

     There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. But remember:

 exercise enough, but not too much. It's best to exercise thirty minutes each time.

     Many people go to special places to exercise. People call them "health centers". They have a lot of

 equipment there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body.

     Exercise can be fun, Friends can exercise together at a health center or play sports together.

l. Which of the following isn't the result (结果) of exercise ?  

    A. It can make us strong and smart.

    B. It can make us do work well.

    C. It can make us get good grades.

    D. It can make us heavy. 

2. If  you want to be healthy, you can't _____ . 

    A. walk or skate        

    B. run or swim

    C. swim or play soccer  

    D. watch TV all day

3. It's best to exercise _____ each time.   

    A. twenty minutes    

    B. thirty minutes

    C. forty minutes      

    D. fifty minutes

4. The underlined word " equipment" means "_____ " in Chinese.

    A. 器材  

    B. 机器

    C. 武器  

    D. 武装

5. Which of the following is WRONG?

    A. Friends can exercise together.    

    B. We should exercise too much.

    C. We all need to exercise.

    D. Exercise can bring us fun.
