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材料一:齐白石先生自幼家境贫寒,没有上学的机会,长大后做了木工,四十岁以后开始自学绘画,他虚心求教,勤学苦练,终于在画坛上独树一帜,成为著名画师。 材料二:王安石有篇文章《伤仲永》说一个方仲永的小孩,五岁做诗,指物作诗立就,其父“日扳仲永环于邑人,不使学。”方仲永十二三岁时,令作诗,不能称前时不闻,又七年,方中“永泯然众人”。 阅读材料,分析影响个体能力发展的因素。


参考答案:影响个体能力发展的因素有: (1)遗传与营养。遗传素质是智力发展的生物前提。遗传是智力发展的基础。 (2)早期经验。早起经验越多,智力发展就越迅速。 (3)教育与教学。教育与教学对智力的发展其主导作用。 (4)社会实践。社会实践不仅是学习知识的重要途径,也是智力发展的重要基础。 (5)主观努力。没有主观努力和个人勤奋,想要获得事业成功和智力发展是根本不可能的。 2、案例一中齐白石发挥了自己的主观能动性,是他成为为著名画师的关键因素。他在没有上学的机会后,通过自己的勤奋、进取的及他的虚心求教、勤学苦练的最终在画坛上独树一帜。 案例二中方仲永的虽然先天遗传素质比较好,但是遗传素质只是质量发展的前提。还需要后天的教育,教育在对智力的发展其主导作用。在方仲永后来的成长过程中,由于他父亲“日扳仲永环于邑人,不使学。”而使他没有得到良好的教育,以至于后来的遗传素质没有得到更好的发展。


China is having such a huge influence on the United States that many Americans are struggling to learn the Chinese language in a bid to keep competitive.

"Interest in learning Chinese among American youth and their parents has grown quickly in the past five years," said Vivien Stewart, vice president at the Asia Society. China's quick rise to near-superpower and its effects politically, economically and culturally are driving the American's interest to learn the language, experts say. From kindergartens to high schools, studies by the Asia Society show, there is a "rapid rise" in interest among pupils to study the Chinese language.

"The Chinese rich cultural traditions and blossoming economy mean that it is now important for all of our students to be better prepared," said Michael Levine, Asia Society's executive director of education. A survey found that 2,400 high students—an unbelievable high number—would be interested in offering the Advanced Placement(AP) courses in Chinese language and culture when the courses become available in 2006.

China, the world's most populous nation, is important to the United States because it is a leading trader, consumer and investor. Its political influence is also rising across the world. It has replaced the United States as the world's largest consumer and could become the second largest economy in the world, after the United States, in the next two to three decades.

Even though the US State Department has described the Chinese language "critical" to national prosperity and security, "the current facilities to support recruitment (招募)of students and teachers as well as the growth of high quality programs is terribly not enough," an Asia Society study says. The Society has set an aim of having at least five percent of American high school students learning Chinese by 2015.

"Millions of Chinese are learning English, but only 24,000 Americans are learning Chinese," said Andrew Corcoran of the San Francisco-based Chinese American International School. The most popular languages after English in US schools at present are Spanish and French while Japanese is the most popular Asian language.

53. The underlined word blossoming (Para. 3) means _________.

A. developed               B. developing           C. old                   D. weak

54. Why do more and more Americans begin to learn the Chinese language?

A. To keep competitive.                    B. To gain advantage in trade.

C. Because they are always interested in it.  

D. To be a bridge between the two big countries.

55. What problem is the US faced with when it comes to learning Chinese?

A. Too many Chinese are learning English.

B. Not many people want to learn foreign languages.

C. The language is rather difficult compared with English.

D. A lack in current facilities to support recruitment of students and teachers and programs.

56. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Danger from China               

B. Foreign Language Learning

C. The Chinese Language gets More Popular  

D. Difficulties in Learning the Chinese Language