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参考答案:综合实践活动《学校门口交通安全问题调查及对策》 一、活动主题 近年来,由于教育的发展,学校办学规模扩大,学生人数不断增加,学生放学时学校门口及周边交通秩序混乱、拥堵的现象已成为严重的交通安全隐患,严重时甚至造成人身伤害。学生是此不良状况的直接受害者、体验者、观察者。作为一名信息技术教师,在教学中我注重寻找信息技术与学生日常生活的结合点,注重培养学生利用信息技术解决实际问题的能力。为了加强学生的交通安全意识,避免发生安全问题,同时锻炼学生收集、处理信息的能力,培养他们的信息素养,我发动学生进行此次调查活动,确定这次综合实践活动的主题为“学校门口交通安全问题调查及对策”。 二、活动目标 1.知识与能力:通过活动,让学生关注交通问题,提高学生的安全意识;通过搜集相关的资料,提升获取信息、处理信息的能力;通过小组学习,加强学生的合作精神和创新意识;锻炼动手实践能力,提高其发现问题、处理问题的能力;并会写调查报告。 2.过程与方法:主要以小组合作为主,通过观察、访问、记录、分析、归纳等方式,搜集整理有关“学校门口交通安全问题”的信息,最终形成调查报告。具体通过观察实践、网上查阅、问卷调查等开展各种活动。 3.情感、态度与价值观:通过对学校门口交通问题的关注与研究,增强学生的安全意识,达到对学生情感价值观的培养,更加热爱生命、珍惜生命,注重安全,关心他人,增强社会责任感。 三、活动准备 1.同学们经过讨论认为,要调查道路的宽度、师生交通工具的类型、数量等。 2.学生分组。 四、活动计划 活动时间大约为2个星期,分四个阶段。 1.确定主题,明确调查方向。 2.调查研究。利用图书、采访调查、网络等信息渠道尝试进行探究性学习,能利用简单的表格、图形、统计等方法整理有关资料。 3.汇报成果。选择自己擅长的方式(图片、语言、文字等)表述研究过程和结果。 4.总结评价。形成结论,评价反思,并把活动延伸。 五、活动实施具体过程 第一阶段 确定主题 1.确立主题 师:同学们,每天早晨当我们从家里出来时,父母都会叮嘱我们:“路上小心,注意安全”。每天下午放学时,老师也会提醒我们在路上不要贪玩,注意安全。可见“高高兴兴上学来,平平安安回家去”是所有家长和老师的心愿。我们不但半路上需要注意安全,即使到了学校的大门口,我们也需要注意安全。不知道同学们发现没有,我们学校的大门口有哪些交通安全问题呢 [通过问题揭示主题,激发学生调查研究的兴趣] (学生积极发言:学校门口的道路太窄;每到上学、放学的高峰时间容易堵车等) 师:为什么会造成这些现象呢你有什么好的方法和建议来解决或避免这些交通隐患问题吗从今天开始,我们就用两个星期的时间来搞一次关于我校门口交通安全问题的调查。 2.分组分工,确定活动内容 第一组:调查学校门口的车流量情况。 第二组:调查我校师生交通工具情况。 第三组:调查师生到校、离校时间。 第四组:综合前三组的调查数据,撰写调查报告。 3.确定研究方法 师:那么大家将采用什么样的方式去收集资料呢 通过学生的讨论,总结出研究方法:(1)上网查资料;(2)问教师、医生、同学;(3)在校内和社区内进行采访;(4)制作调查表(通过小组分工,培养学生的合作能力)。 4.合作设计表格问题,整合思维,共享资源 同学们,下面我们大家按小组调查目的,设计各组的调查问卷。最后综合成一张调查表。(合作学习的方法指导,对于合作精神的培养、分工协调能力的形成,会起到很好的促进作用。) 第二阶段 分组研究 1.整理资料 (1)选择资料。把本组的资料综合起来,选出与研究主题有关的资料。 (2)各小组交换资料。把自己组无关的资料借给其他组同学。 (3)教师帮助一些资料不全的组,以便更好地找到结论。 (4)在资料中挑选出重点的、总结性的话语用笔画一画。 (5)用自己的语言总结出结论。 2.讨论汇报形式 (1)指导学生不仅讨论汇报形式,还要讨论汇报的具体分工。 (2)汇报成果展示形式。 第三阶段 汇报成果 师:同学们,在“学校门口交通安全问题调查”的综合实践活动中,同学们经过调查、访问等方式收集了相关资料,充分认识到交通安全的重要性,下面,我们把活动过程中的收获以自己喜欢的形式展现出来,大家互相取长补短,相信通过这节交流总结课,同学们肯定会有更多的收获。 第四小组:我们小组通过上网和去图书室搜索有关交通安全调查报告的论文,掌握调查报告的协作要素,学习撰写调查报告。同时通过对数据的归纳分析,锻炼了我们处理信息的能力。 第一小组:我们的任务是调查学校门口车流量的情况。这是个比较繁琐的任务。我们每天只要有空闲时间,就在学校门口守候,观察来来往往的行人车辆,记好车型和类型、通过时间。虽然劳动量较大且单调枯燥,但锻炼了我们的耐心和意志。 第二小组:我们的任务是调查我校师生交通工具情况。任务量比较大,我校是一所有几百人的学校,十多个教学班,一个一个去调查每个教师学生不太现实,开始大家都有些担心,不知怎样完成这个任务。后来我们经过商议,采取了一个简便方法。每个班级调查一半的人数,这样既能大致反映出我校师生的交通工具情况,又大大地减轻了工作量。通过这个问题的解决,我们深刻体会到集体智慧的力量。 第三小组:我们的任务是调查师生到校、离校时间。绝大部分同学都是按照学校规定时间到校离校的。而且同学们到校时间不是很集中,我们只需重点调查他们离校的时间,区分出比较集中的时间段。为了更好地分析数据,我们采用Excel图表的形式来展现。 第四阶段 总结评价,课后延伸 师:通过同学们的展示,老师看到了同学们的努力。那么通过我们前面的调查研究,你对交通问题有了怎样的认识说说活动的感受。 六、活动的结果与评价 通过这次活动,学生开始关注身边的交通安全问题,通过搜集相应资料,提升获取信息、整合资料的能力;通过小组学习,加强学生的合作精神和创新意识;锻炼动手实践能力,提高其发现问题、处理问题的能力。


Good teachers matter. This may seem obvious to anyone who has a child in school or, for that matter, to anyone who has been a child in school. For a long time, though, researchers couldn’t actually prove that teaching talent was important. But new research finally shows that teacher quality is a close cousin to student achievement. A great teacher can cram one-and-a-half grades’ worth of learning into a single year, while laggards are lucky to accomplish half that much. Parents and kids, it seems, have been right all along to care whether they were assigned to Mrs. Smith or Mr. Brown.
Yet, while we know now that better teachers are critical, flaws in the way that administrators select and retain them mean that schools don’t always hire the best.
Many ingredients for good teaching are difficult to ascertain in advance—charisma and diligence come to mind—but research shows a teacher’s own ability on standardized tests reliably predicts good performance in the classroom. You would think, then, that top— scoring teachers would be swimming in job offers, right Not so, says Vanderbilt University professor Dale Ballou. High-scoring teaching applicants "do not fare better than others in the job market," he writes. "Indeed, remarkably they do somewhat worse. "
Even more surprising, given the national shortage of highly skilled math and science teachers, school administrators are more keen to hire education majors than applicants who have math or science degrees. No one knows for sure why those who hire teachers routinely overlook top talent. Perhaps they wrongly think that the qualifications they shun make little difference for students. Also, administrators are probably naturally drawn to teachers who remind them of themselves.
But failing to recognize the qualities that make teachers truly effective (and to construct incentives to attract and retain more of these top performers) has serious consequences. For example, because schools don’t always hire the best applicants, across-the-board salary increases cannot improve teacher quality much, and may even worsen it. That’s because higher salaries draw more weak as well as p applicants into teaching-applicants the current hiring system can’t adequately screen. Unless administrators have incentives to hire the best teachers available, it’s pointless to give them a larger group to choose from.
If public school hiring processes are bad, their compensation policies are worse. Most districts pay solely based on years of experience and the presence of a master’s degree, a formula that makes the Federal General Schedule—which governs pay for U. S. bureaucrats—look flexible. Study after study has shown that teachers with master’s degrees are no better than those without. Job experience does matter, but only for the first few years, according to research by Hoover Institution’s Eric A. Hanushek. A teacher with 15 years of experience is no more effective, on average, than a teacher with five years of experience, but which one do you think is paid more
This toxic combination of rigid pay and steep rewards for seniority causes average quality to decline rather than increase as teacher groups get older. Top performers often leave the field early for industries that reward their excellence. Mediocre teachers, on the other hand, are soon overcompensated by seniority pay. And because they are paid more than their skills command elsewhere, these less-capable pedagogues settle in to provide many years of ineffectual instruction.
So how can we separate the wheat from the chaff in the teaching profession To make American schools competitive, we must rethink seniority pay, the value of master’s degrees, and the notion that a teacher can teach everything equally well-especially math and science- without appropriate preparation in the subject.
Our current education system is unlikely to accomplish this dramatic rethinking. Imagine, for a moment, that American cars had been free in recent decades, while Toyotas and Hondas sold at full price. We’d probably be driving Falcons and Corvairs today. Free public education suffers from a lack of competition in just this way. So while industries from aerospace to drugs have transformed themselves in order to compete, public schooling has stagnated.
School choice could spark the kind of reformation this industry needs by motivating administrators to hire the best and adopt new strategies to keep top teachers in the classroom. The lesson that good teachers matter should be taught, not as a theory, but as a practice.

The beginning sentence "Good teachers matter. " can mainly be explained as which of the following

A.Good teachers help students establish confidence.

B.Good teachers determine the personality of students.

C.Good teachers promote student achievement.

D.Good teachers treat students as their own children.