问题 写作题





注意:①角度自选,立意自定。②除诗歌外,文体不限。③不少于800 字。④不得抄袭。


1.确定关系(联系材料)2.解读含义(表层含义和深层含义); 3.用一句话表述观点。 3.用一句话表述观点。


表层含义:“向上看”即仰视或抬头, “在下面”即位置在下面, 即俯视或低头。

深层含义: 向上看”可以理解为“在下面”“看到不足和差距从而有一种向上的动力。“向上看”可以理解为“目标不切实际”。“在下面”可以理解为“很渺小”,从而失去生活的信心。

向下看”可以理解为关注那些生活艰难却不失信心和勇气的人们 ;“在上面”可以理解为“自己还是幸福的”,从而获得信心和勇气。“向下看”可以理解为“只看到那些不如自己的。“在上面”也可以理解为“自负、高高在从而止步不前”。


四类文  20分启评分

三类文  28分启评分

二类文  32分启评分

一类文  36分启评分


认识AGP 8X
要想深入认识AGP 8X,让我们先来说说AGP总线这个话题吧。
我们知道,最初的显示设备是采用PCI总线接口的,工作频率为33MHz,数据模式为 32bit,传输贷款为133MB/s。随着AGP1.0规范的推出,AGP 1X和2X显示设备逐渐成为主流。
AGP 1X的工作频率达到了PCI总线的两倍——66MHz,传输贷款理论上可达到 266MB/s。
AGP 2X工作频率同样为66MHz,但是它使用了正负沿(一个时钟周期的上升沿和下降沿)触发的工作方式,使一个工作周期先后被触发两次,从而达到了传输贷款加倍的目的。由于触发信号的工作频率为133MHz,这样AGP 2X的传输贷款就达到了532MB/s。
AGP 4X仍使用了这种信号触发方式,只是利用两个触发信号在每个时钟周期的下降沿分别引起两次触发,从而达到了在一个时钟周期中触发4次的目的,这样在理论上它就可以达到1064MB/s的传输贷款了。
在AGP 8X规范中,这种触发模式仍将使用,只是触发信号的工作频率将变成266MHz,两个信号触发点也变成了每个时钟周期的上升沿,单信号触发次数为4次,这样它在一个时钟周期所能传输的数据就从AGP4X的4倍变成了8倍,理论传输贷款将可达到2128MB/s。
性能参数AGP1.0 AGP2.0 AGP3.0 PCI视频总线
总线速度66MHz 133MHz 266MHz 533MHz 33MHz
数据传输位宽 32bit 32bit 32bit 32bit 32bit
传输贷款266MB/s 533MB/s 1064MB/s 2128MB/s 133MB/s
工作电压3.3V 3.3V 1.6V 0.8V 1.5V
触发信号频率 66MHz 66MHz 133MHz 266MHz 133MHz
2.将标题文字“认识AGP 8X ”设置为18磅蓝色仿宋GB2312(西文使用中文字体)、加粗、居中、加双下划线,字符间距加宽3磅。
5.设置表格所有文字中部居中;表格外框线设置为0.75磅红色双窄线,内框线设置为 0.5磅红色单实线。


Every second in the United States alone, more than 250 animals are slaughtered for food, adding up to more than 8 billion animals each year. Reducing the amount of meat in one’s diet is nutritionally, environmentally, and ethically beneficial.

People who eat meat usually have weaker immune systems compared to those of vegetarians. Meat has been directly linked to diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and many other illnesses. Furthermore, meat-eaters are at a higher risk for diseases, including cancer, and they are more likely to die from these diseases. Critics say that a meatless diet does not provide enough nutrients, especially protein and iron. Actually, according to A Teen’s Guide to Going Vegetarian, by Judy Krizmanic, protein is found in almost every food, and iron appears in many vegetables. Getting enough nutrients in a meat-reduced diet should not be difficult. A 1988 study found that some of the highest pesticide residues appear in meat and eggs. Diets including more fruits and vegetables will only make people healthier.

Some skeptics believe that there will be a shortage of food if animals are not eaten. In fact, the opposite is true. More than 80% of the corn and 95% of the oats grown in the US are fed to livestock. The world’s cattle alone consume enough food to equal the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people, more than the entire human population. One half of the water used in the Unites States also goes to livestock; 2.50 gallons of water produces only 1 pound of beef. If people eat less meat and more plants, the amount of available food will increase.

Many people become vegetarians because they feel that eating animals is unethical. 90% of these animals are raised in confinement. Chickens and other birds have only about half. a square foot of space each, and since they are raised so close together, a hot blade is used to cut off their beaks to prevent them from pecking each other to death. Likewise, pigs that are repressed will bite each other’s tails, so both their teeth and tails are removed as soon as they are born.

Eating animals is hazardous in numerous ways. Even a slight reduction in meat intake is better than nothing at all. Consuming less meat is beneficial to the health of animals, the health of people, and to the health of the world.

In the third paragraph, the author implies that()

A. food will be insufficient if animals are not eaten

B. lots of food and water are consumed by cattle

C. a meat-reduced diet is environmentally beneficial

D. animals are raised for human food