问题 单项选择题









    When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler. I remember sitting in that dark hall
listening to Mr. Zigler    1   everyone's spirits up to the ceiling; I left there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car, I   2   my father and said, "Dad, I want to   3  people feel like that." My father
asked me what I meant. I said to him. "I want to be a    4  speaker just like Mr. Zigler." I replied   5  . A
dream was born.
     Recently, I began seeking my    6  of motivating(调动积极性) others.   7     a four-year relationship
with Fortune 100 Company   8  as a sales-trainer and ending as a regional sales manager, I   9  the
company at the height of my career. However, many people were   10   that I would leave after earning
a six-figure income. And they asked   11  I would risk everything for a dream.
     I made my   12  to start my own company and leave my secure position after    13 a regional sales
meeting. The vice-president of our company delivered a   14  that changed my life. He asked us, "If a
god would   15  you three wishes, what would they be?" After giving   16  a moment to write down the
three   17  , he then asked us. "Why do you need a god?" I would never forget the   18  I felt at that
moment. I realized that everything I had   19  in the past had prepared me for this moment. I was   20 
and didn't need a god's help to become a motivational speaker. A motivational speaker was born.
( )1. A. rise      
( )2. A. turned to  
( )3. A. get    
( )4. A. exciting  
( )5. A. sadly    
( )6. A. dream    
( )7. A. After    
( )8. A. ending    
( )9. A. stayed    
( )10. A. disappointed
( )11. A. if    
( )12. A. plan    
( )13. A. attending  
( )14. A. newspaper  
( )15. A. deliver  
( )16. A. them    
( )17. A. dreams  
( )18. A. energy  
( )19. A. searched  
( )20. A. ready    
B. throw  
B. tended to
B. want    
B. motivational
B. angrily
B. speaker  
B. Before  
B. completing
B. left    
B. worried  
B. how    
B. promise  
B. joining  
B. book    
B. offer    
B. you    
B. wishes  
B. force  
B. wished    
B. disappointed
C. put    
C. turned down
C. make    
C. sensitive
C. disappointedly
C. idea    
C. Because  
C. beginning
C. started
C. surprised
C. why    
C. decision  
C. entering  
C. report  
C. supply  
C. us      
C. messages  
C. power  
C. expected  
C. glad    
D. raise              
D. glared at          
D. cheer              
D. surprising        
D. proudly            
D. suggestion        
D. For                
D. regarding          
D. continued          
D. excited            
D. that              
D. mind              
D. holding            
D. speech            
D. provide            
D. him                
D. notes              
D. weight            
D. accomplished      
D. busy               
问答题 案例分析题


1994年春,处于严重污染水域内的养殖场和其他受害人,开始到处 * * ,数十次的向有关部门反映情况,强烈要求5企业尽快治理,停止肆意排放。但是由于5企业一直没有停止污染物排放行为,1994年4月,养殖场存育的美国青蛙蝌蚪和正在变形的幼蛙(计270多万尾)开始出现死亡,同年7-8月间大量死亡,至同年9月,几乎全部死亡。按当时的市场价计算,养殖场因此而遭受的直接经济损失为48.3万元。事后,司法部门的司法鉴定科学技术研究所在其针对本事件所作的微量物证鉴定中表明,养殖场饲养的蝌蚪死亡与步云 染化厂等排放的废水造成的附近水域水质污染有直接的不可推卸的因果关系。鉴于此,1995年4月,嘉兴市环保局对5企业的超标排污行为各作出罚款5000元的行政处罚决定,同时,试图对养殖场与5企业之间的环境污染损害赔偿纠纷进行协调。但是,最终仅就“5企业在污染排放未达标之前,应补给养殖场6万元,用于1995年生产自救用水费”达成调解,却未能解决养殖场1994年的污染损害赔偿问题。1995年12月,养殖场以5企业为被告,向平湖市人民法院提起民事诉讼,请求判令被告养殖场经济损失48.3万元,并排除污染危害,停止侵权。
