问题 单项选择题








解析:[考点] 侵权之诉、违约之诉和精神损害赔偿 在本题中,;甲将摄录自已婚礼庆典活动的录像带交给乙制作成VCD保存,乙因录像带的灭失而未能履行义务,故甲可以对乙提起违约之诉;故选项C错误。由于违约之诉不能请求精神损害赔偿,故选项A错误。根据《合同法》第122条的规定,因当事人一方的违约行为,侵害对方人身、财产权益的,受损害方有权选择依照本法要求其承担违约责任或者依照其他法律要求其承担侵权责任o;在本题个,由于乙的不慎保管,致使甲的录像带遭到灭失,故甲还可对乙提起侵叔之诉。另外,乙的店铺是因丙抽烟不慎失火烧毁,导致录像带灭失的,故甲还可对丙提起侵权之诉。 至于侵权行为能否请求精神损害赔偿,根据《最高人民法院关于确定民事侵权精神损害赔偿责任若干问题的解释》第4条的规定,具有.人格象征意义的特定纪念物品,因侵权行为而永久性灭失或者毁损,物品所有人以侵权为由,向人民法院起诉请求赔偿精神损害的,人民法院应当依法予以受理。在本题中,甲的婚礼庆典录像带仅仅只有一盘,是特定物,是具有人格象征意义的物品,因侵权行为而遭到永久性灭失,故甲可以对乙或丙提起侵权之诉,请求赔偿精神损害。故选项D错误,选项B正确。



     A lot of adults worry that spending too much  time playing video games 

isn't good for a kid's health. But some doctors have noticed that kids who

bring their handheld game players to the hospital seem less worried about

being there. They also seem to have less pain when they are playing games.  

        Some patients must be hooked up to dialysis machines ( 透析器) at

least three hours each time. Doctors allow kids to play online sports,racing,

and other games with each other. "We want to use the power of the Internet

to bring kids together and let them know they are not alone," said the doctor.

He loves video games himself  and got the idea to connect kids all over the


        Many researchers are testing video programs that might help young

patients. For example,a nine-year-old boy who was struggling with cancer

helped to design avideo game to let players get rid of cancer cells. 

     Doctors already know that reducing pain and worry helps patients heal


1. Most adults think that playing video games too much is                

A. good for kid's health      

B. bad for kid's health      

C. good for kid's study      

D. bad for kid's eyes  

2. Some doctors think playing games can help the kids get         hen they are ill in hospital.    

A. more worried and pain    

B.less worried and pain    

C. more care from their parents    

D.less care from the nurse  

3. The Chinese meaning of the underlined phrase " get rid of" is               





4. The doctors allow these kids to         with each other.      

A. play online games    

B. play cards      

C. sing popular songs  

D. study English  

5. The writer wants to tell us         in this passage.      

A. how to play video games      

B. playing video games can be good to the kids who are ill         

C. adults think it is good for kids to play video games      

D. kids should often play video games
