问题 阅读理解与欣赏







①请广于君(            )             ②岂五百里哉(              )

③大王尝闻布衣之怒乎(         )      ④寡人矣  (                )


①以君为长者,故不错意也。         ②秦王色挠,长跪而谢之。 



小题3:唐雎奉命出使秦国,与秦王展开了面对面的激烈斗争。在和秦王较量的第一回合,唐雎重申安陵君的“受地于先王,愿终守之,弗敢易!”,断然拒绝秦王的“易地”。第二回合,唐雎以“士之怒”反击秦王的“ _________________”,列举了专诸刺王僚、_________________ 、_________________  三个“士”的事例,并表示自己要效法他们,随即,以“  ________________”的实际行动,震慑秦王,不辱使命。(4分)

小题4: 列举我国历史上两个“不辱使命”的外交人才,分别用一句话概括他们的主要事迹。 (4分)




小题1:(4分)①扩充 ②只,仅仅 ③平民 ④明白,懂得


小题3:(4分)天子之怒 聂政刺韩傀 要离刺庆忌   挺剑而起

小题4:(4分)示例:①墨子 阻止公输盘和楚王攻打宋国。 ②晏子  出使楚国,令楚王自取其辱。③诸葛亮  舌战群儒,联吴抗曹。




题目分析:(1)翻译时要注意,关键词语的意思必须要落实。了解了关键字词的意思,把各个词语的意思连缀起来,语意通顺即可。注意“以……为”的解释,意思是“把……作为……”。②翻译时要注意“谢”在句中表示 “道歉”的意思,是一个古今异义的词。




题目分析:“不辱使命”,指在外交上没有辜负使命维护了国家利益。“历史上”可以是古代的,可以是现代的,比如现代史上建国初期在“万隆会议”上周 * * 不辱使命为中国赢得了荣誉。


With stripes of blue ink snaking across his face and neck and then disappearing under the collar of his shirt before bursting into the open from under the cuffs, he is a poster boy for his profession.
Skitch, the only name he wants the public to know, exhibits pride and confidence in his designer skin.
Comfortably perched atop a stool in Graffixx Tattoo, a parlor just two blocks from the White House, he talks about his obsession with" body art", which, in his view, is winning the souls of the New Age generation as well as overall public acceptance.
"It’s definitely more popular than when I started out about 10 years ago," he said as a flash of sunshine danced on a big pin piercing the skin between his eyes. "People who wouldn’t even think about having a tattoo then have them.
There are no official statistics beating Skitch out. But evidence that tattoos are growing more popular is abundant on beaches, in health clubs and on the streets when summertime clothes reveal roses, mermaids and increasingly more sophisticated ornaments on shoulders, ankles and other body parts.
As far as Skitch is concerned, he is tiding the wave of the future.
The revenue of a tattoo parlor he co-owned in Minneapolis, Minnesota between 1997 and 1999 grew 60 percent in its second year of operation, he said.
"We would have made even more, if we operated in some southern resort towns, like Orlando; Daytona Beach or in southern California," he said.
It is woman, he said, who is increasing numbers driving the body art boom. "If ten years ago only 40 percent of our clients requiring tattoos were women, now they make up 50 percent," notes Skitch. "For body piercing, it’s 80 percent."
Not so long ago, tattoo parlors were found in back rooms of seedy port city bars and catered to visiting sailors and city toughs.
Not anymore. Next month, top female tattoo artists from North America and Europe will descend on Orlando, Florida, for a four-day convention, according to an announcement posted on the Internet by Deana Lippens, the organizer.
Tattoos themselves have dramatically evolved over the years, becoming more complex, multi-dimensional, even exquisite, say tattoo artists.
They are no longer just model rosettes hidden on a shoulder blade. Bodies are being transformed into full-scaled tableaux featuring, for example, portraits of saints adorned by garlands of flowers or a bald eagle spreading his wings across a human torso. Some of these tableaux take years to complete.

What does the passage mainly talk about

A.Body art gains popularity.

B.The history of body arts.

C.Why body art is more popular than before.

D.The art life of Skitch.
