问题 开放性试题

材料一:宁夏今年将为200 所中小学校和10 所高校安装校园安全视频系统,提高校园安保能力。这是记者从此间正在召开的宁夏回族自治区“两会”上获悉的。宁夏将安装校园安全视频系统列入今年的“民生计划”,力求从制度上落实这一保障学生权益的措施。

材料二:为做好学校安全保卫工作,贵州省今年将新配备近万名保安,巩固校园安全防线,守护师生安全。贵州省省长赵克志在2011 年1 月18 日举行的贵州省十一届人民代表大会第五次会议上上提出,今年贵州省将为791 所县镇公办初中、1336 所县镇以上公办小学、681 所公办幼儿园配备保安人员9880 人。

材料三:据2011 年2 月11 日的《北京日报》报道:去年校园安全事件频发,引起广泛重视。教育部今年将开展《校园安全条例》起草调研,很快,学校安全工作将有法可依。












The amazing success of humans as a (91) is the result of the evolutionary development of our brains which has led, among other things, to tool-using, tool-making, the (92) to solve problems by logical reasoning, thoughtful cooperation, and language. One of the most striking ways in which chimpanzees biologically (93) humans (94) in structure of their brains. The chimpanzee, with the capacity for (95) reasoning, (96) a type of intelligence more like that of humans than (97) any other mammal living today. The brain of the modern chimpanzee is probably not too dissimilar (98) the brain that so many millions of years ago (99) the behavior of the first ape man.
For a long time, the fact that prehistoric people made (100) was considered to be one of the major (101) distinguishing them from other creatures. (102) pointed out earlier, I have watched chimpanzees (103) grass stems in order to use them to probe for termites. It is tree that the chimpanzee does not (104) tools to "a regular and set pattern"—but then, (105) people, before their development of stone tools, undoubtedly poked around (106) sticks, and straws, at which stage it seems (107) , that they made tools to a set pattern either.
It is because of the close (108) in most people’s minds of tools with humans (109) special attention has always been focused upon any animal able to use an object as a tool: but it is important to realize that this ability, on its own, does not necessarily indicate any special intelligence in the creature (110) .



