Almost all projects are planned and implemented in social, economic and environmental context, and have intended and unintended positive and/or negative impacts. In this context, the project team should do all the following EXCEPT: ().
A.Understand how the project affects people and people affect the project. This may require understanding aspects of economic, demographic and educational characteristics of people whom the project affects or who may have interest in the project.
B.Understand the political climate that could affect the project.
C.Always be aware of the physical geography and local ecology where the project is being executed.
D.If having an international team, international factors like time-zone differences, national and regional holidays etc. to be taken into consideration.
总会计师主管审批财务收支工作,一般的财务收支由总会计师审批,但是重大的财务收支应由总会计师报单位主要行政领导人批准。 ( )