问题 单项选择题








解析:[考点] 贪污罪、受贿罪 贪污罪是指国家工作人员利用职务上的便利,侵吞、窃取、骗取或者以其他手段非法占有公共财物的行为。而受贿罪是指国家工作人员利用职务上的便利,索取他人财物,或者非法收受他人财物,为人谋取利益的行为。在一般情况下二者比较容易区分,但是在国家工作人员与非国家工作人员相互勾结,共同损害公共财物所有权时却比较近似。两罪的主要区别在于:(1)犯罪对象有本质区别。贪污罪的犯罪对象是行为人所在单位或行为人管理、经营的财物,而受贿罪的犯罪对象是行贿人的财物,不属于行为人所有,更与其所在单位无关;(2)从行为人对犯罪对象是否具有控制权看,二者存在明显区别。贪污罪的构成要求行为人对于犯罪对象具有控制权,而受贿罪的构成要求行为人对于犯罪对象没有控制权,只能凭对方意愿给付,即使索贿案件中也是如此。在本案中,周某提出提高单价的办法,而这种办法会直接导致其所在单位神舟公司会向新创公司多支出货款,遭受损失的是神舟公司,新创公司不但没有遭受损失,反而还获得了意外的利润。另外,周某作为神舟公司业务员,对于是否提价、提价多少具有一定程度的决定权,这也就意味着周某实际控制着非法获得差价款的有无以及数额。所以,周某利用职务便利,在接受指派采购精油的业务中,以自己的合法身份和经管权力,故意在签订合同时提高价格,将自己公司多付的货款差价转归自己手中,使单位遭受损失,侵犯了本单位财产的所有权,所以应认定周某的行为成立贪污罪而非受贿罪。所以答案是B项。

     One evening I was parked in front of the mall, wiping off my car.   1   my way from across the car
park, was what people would consider a bum(流浪汉). From the looks of him, could see he had almost   2  . Sometimes you feel generous, but there are times that you just don't want to be   3   . "Hope he
doesn't ask me for money," I thought.
He didn't. He sat down nearby and   4   my car. "That's a very nice car," he said. He was ragged,   5  
had an air of dignity (尊严) around him. I said, "Thanks," and continued   6   my car. He sat there quietly
and the expected   7   for money never came. Something inside urged me, "Ask him   8   he needs any
    "Do you need any help?" I asked.
    "Don't we all?" he replied.
    It   9   me! These were three simple but most shocking words I had ever heard. I usually   10   wisdom
from those of high learning and achievements. I expected nothing  here but an   11  dirty hand.
    I need help. Maybe not for bus fare or a place to sleep,   12  I need help. However much you have,
however much you have   13   , we all need help. No matter how   14  you have, no matter how loaded
you are with problems, you can   15   help, even if it's just a pleasant remark. You never know when
you may see someone that   16  to have it all, yet   17  , they need you to give them what they don't have.
    Maybe the man was just a   18   stranger going about the streets. Maybe he was   19  
that. Maybe he was an angel   20   like a bum and was ordered, "Go to that man cleaning
the car; that man needs help."
    Don't we all?
( )1. A. Taking    
( )2. A. nothing    
( )3. A. respected  
( )4. A. recognized
( )5. A. but        
( )6. A. cleaning  
( )7. A. request    
( )8. A. why        
( )9. A. scared    
( )10. A. inspired  
( )11. A. large   
( )12. A. and      
( )13. A. achieved  
( )14. A. wealthy  
( )15. A. receive  
( )16. A. resembles
( )17. A. actually  
( )18. A. wealthy  
( )19. A. as well as
( )20. A. acted    
B. Leaving      
B. everything    
B. admired    
B. appreciated
B. so            
B. fixing      
B. application  
B. that        
B. shook      
B. accepted    
B. open        
B. as well as  
B. seized      
B. poor       
B. get        
B. appears     
B. predictably
B. learned     
B. more than    
B. wore       
C. Coming        
C. anything     
C. influenced    
C. watched        
C. because        
C. repairing      
C. order          
C. if            
C. disappointed
C. expected    
C. unhealthy    
C. but            
C. covered      
C. much        
C. take          
C. refers        
C. respectably   
C. homeless     
C. less than     
C. devoted       
D. Having      
D. something    
D. bothered    
D. examined    
D. as          
D. painting    
D. command      
D. how          
D. satisfied    
D. wished      
D. unusual      
D. as well      
D. owed        
D. little      
D. give        
D. leads        
D. clearly      
D. lucky        
D. far from    
D. dressed      