The farm economy of the United States has changed a lot in the last seventy years. In the 1930s,
twenty-five percent of the nation's population lived on farms. Today less than one percent of Americans do.
Farm incomes have changed over the years too. For example, in 1933, people living and working on
farms had much less money to spend than other Americans. At that time, farm families had about one-third
the income of non-farmers after all necessary expenses had been paid. By the late 1970s, however, that
difference had almost disappeared. In 2004,farmers had their best year ever. The average farm family earned
about eighty-one thousand dollars. That is more than the average American family, which earned about sixty
thousand dollars.
The Department of Labor measures the pay of industrial workers differently. It measures the average
hourly and weekly pay for industrial workers. This is because factory workers are generally paid by the hour
unlike farmers who earn income from their farm businesses. Generally, the average hourly pay for all industrial
workers is about sixteen dollars. And the average weekly pay, about five hundred fifty dollars. Industrial and
other services employ about eighty-six percent of the labor force.