问题 单项选择题

It seems that politicians around the world are thinking about the health of their countries. While in China, Chen Zhu has announced his plans for a universal(全体的,普遍的)health service and reform across health services. Gordon Brown, the UK Prime Minister, has also announced he is planning to make some changes in our health service.

The crux(关键)of Mr. Brown's proposals are related to giving the NHS (National Health Service) a greater focus on prevention, rather than just curing patients.

He is planning to introduce increased screening for common diseases such as heart disease, strokes(中风), and cancer, for example, breast cancer. In Britain there are 200,000 deaths a year from heart attacks and strokes, many of which might have been avoided if the condition had been known about.

Initially, the diagnostic (诊断的) tests will be available for those who are vulnerable, or most likely to have the disease. One example is a plan to offer all men over 65 an ultrasound test to check for problems with the main artery (动脉), a condition which kills 3,000 men a year.

The opposition have criticized Mr. Brown's proposals, saying that they are just a trick, and claiming that there is no proper timetable for the changes. They also say that Mr. Brown is reducing the money available for the treatment of certain conditions while putting more money towards testing for them.

The NHS was founded in 1948, and is paid for by taxation. The idea is that the rich pay more towards the health service than the poor. However in recent years there has been a great increase in the use of private healthcare, because it’s much quicker. NHS waiting lists for operations can be very long, so many people who can afford it choose to pay for medical care themselves.

Which of the following is the reason for the increasing private health care?()

A.People are paying more attention to their own health.

B.People are well off enough to pay their health care.

C.The NHS was not available for most of the people.

D.It’ s not so convenient for people to go to the NHS for their health care.




根据文章最后一段“However,in recent years there has been a great increase in the use of private health care,and it’s much quicker.The NHS waiting lists for operations can be very long…”可知答案为D。

问答题 简答题
问答题 案例分析题

请结合案例和所学的知识回答问题。 B公司要从C公司购买50部大型发电机,经过认真的准备之后,谈判开始了。B公司的主谈在首场谈判中,表现得非常热情,简明扼要地说出了B公司对产品的要求。C公司的主谈表现十分积极,并且认真地聆听对方的各种要求,对对方的一些要求提出疑问。经过几个小时的谈判,双方对产品都获得了一致的意见,但是双方在价格问题上发生严重分歧而暂时休会。半小时后,谈判重新开始。为了缓和紧张气氛,B公司的主谈平和地说:“李先生,刚才您顽强地坚持不能降价,现在,您是否能灵活一点使大家能够找到出路?”李先生回答:“贵方的态度不是也一样吗?坐立不安的感觉实在让人不舒服呀!”B公司主谈人爽朗地笑了,紧张气氛得以缓和。双方围绕付款方式这一问题进行积极地磋商,C公司的主谈人答应减少5万元的现金付款,B公司的主谈人认为还有降价的空间,于是继续和C公司的主谈人周旋,谈判再次发生分歧,暂时休会。又过了半个小时,谈判重新开始。B公司主谈人和C公司主谈人各自总结了前面谈判的情况以后,继续进入谈判。B公司的主谈人利用化整为零的策略,指出每部发电机的大约成本,这个策略使得C公司的主谈人又连续两次将货款减少5万元的现金付款。当B公司的主谈人想进一步压低发电机的价格时,C公司的主谈人的态度已经变得十分强硬,坚决不肯让寸步,这时B公司的主谈人终于做出了让步,最终达成了一致意见。

