问题 填空题


(1)第四周期的某主族元素,其第一至五电离能数据如下图1所示,则该元素对应原子的M层电子排布式为            。

(2)如下图2所示,每条折线表示周期表ⅣA-ⅦA中的某一族元素氢化物的沸点变化。每个小黑点代表一种氢化物,其中a点代表的是         。简述你的判断依据                   


(3)CO2在高温高压下所形成的晶体其晶胞如下图3所示.该晶体的类型属于        (选填“分子”“原子”“离子”或“金属”)晶体。

(4)BCl3原子的杂化方式为         。第一电离能介于B、N之间的第二周期元素有


(5)Cu元素形成的单质,其晶体的堆积模型为______,D的醋酸盐晶体局部结构如图,该晶体中含有的化学键是________   (填选项序号)。

①极性键  ②非极性键  ③配位键  ④金属键

(6)Fe的一种晶体如甲、乙所示,若按甲虚线方向切乙得到的A-D图中正确的是         .铁原子的配位数是          ,假设铁原子的半径是r cm,该晶体的密度是p g/cm3,则铁的相对原子质量为                  (设阿伏加德罗常数的值为NA)。



⑵SiH4 (1分);在ⅣA~ⅦA中的氢化物里,NH3、H2O、HF因分子间存在氢键,故沸点高于同主族相邻元素氢化物的沸点,只有ⅣA族元素氢化物不存在反常现象;组成与结构相似,相对分子量越大,分子间作用力越大,沸点越高,a点所在折线对应的是气态氢化物SiH4(2分)

(3)原子(1分) ;  sp2杂化(1分)  3(1分)  NO3--、CO32—、SiO32—(各1分)

(4)面心立方最密堆积(1分) ①②③(1分)

(5)A (2分);    8 (1分);          (2分)

题目分析:(1)根据题给图像分析,该元素第三电离能远远大于第二电离能,说明该元素的原子价电子数为2,为钙元素,M层电子排布式为:3s23p6;(2)在ⅣA~ⅦA中的氢化物里,NH3、H2O、HF因分子间存在氢键,故沸点高于同主族相邻元素氢化物的沸点,只有ⅣA族元素氢化物不存在反常现象;组成与结构相似,相对分子量越大,分子间作用力越大,沸点越高,a点所在折线对应的是气态氢化物SiH4;(3)由CO2在高温高压下所形成的晶体图可以看出,其晶体结构为空间物质结构,每个C原子周围通过共价键连接4个O原子,所以该晶体为原子晶体;(4)BCl3原子的杂化方式为sp2杂化。第一电离能介于B、N之间的第二周期元素有铍、碳、氧共3种。写出与BCl3结构相同的一种等电子体(写离子)NO3--、CO32—、SiO32—。(5)Cu元素形成的单质,其晶体的堆积模型为面心立方最密堆积,由D的醋酸盐晶体局部结构知,该晶体中含有的化学键有极性键、非极性键和配位键,选①②③;(6)根据题给模型知,甲中Fe位于顶点和体心,乙由8各甲组成,按甲虚线方向切乙形成的纵截面边长不相等,则排除B、D,由于每个小晶胞中的体心含有1个Fe原子,则应为A;根据题给模型知,铁原子的配位数是8;设图甲晶胞的边长为acm,则a2+2 a2=(4r)2,得a=4/3r ,图甲晶胞的体积V=a3=64/9r3,根据均摊发可知甲中晶胞含Fe原子:8×1/8+1=2,设Fe的相对原子质量为M,则64/9r3•ρ="2M/" NA,M=


Congress makes the laws in the United States. It has two parts, which are more or less equal in power. They are known as the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives is larger than the Senate whose 100 members (two from each state) serve for six years. The 435 members of the House are elected every two years, and the number from each state is determined by the population of the state. For example, California, which has a large population, has 43 representatives, while the State of Nevada has only one.
The House and Senate are divided into small groups which take care of special matters such as education or foreign affairs. The most important work of Congress is often done in these groups, which are called subcommittees.
According to the Constitution of the United States, a senator must be at least 30 years old and he must have been a citizen of the United States for nine years at the time of his election. To be elected to the House a person must be 25 years old and must have been a United States citizen for seven years. At the present time, members of Congress include businessmen, farmers, teachers, and especially lawyers. In general, senators are better known than representatives because they are fewer in number and serve for a longer time. Many American presidents served in Congress before they became president.

The number of the members in the House from each state______.

A.is fixed, two from each state

B.depends on how many people the state has

C.depends on the size of the state

D.depends on the location of the state
