问题 选择题

2008年9月17日《 成都商报 》报道: 四川巴中市政府办公室发2008年中秋节放假通知,要求假日期间做好值班等工作,以“确保人民群众度过一个祥和平安的端午节”。中秋节怎么变成了“端午节”?次日,政府办公室重发度假通知。出错的办公室主任被停职反省,三位正副科长被免职,其中包括刚上任不久的巴中市政府办公室主任。如果巴中市的较真式工作方式从“错字丢官”开始,那么这四个干部被问责则一点都不冤。行政问责就应该如此有细节,才可能蔚然成风,并逐渐成为一种长效机制。下列与这评价所包含的哲理一致的是 







行政问责要注重“细节”,才可能“蔚然成风”, 并逐渐成为一种长效机制,强调的是量变的重要性,要注重量的积累,反映的是量变引起质变的道理。A项体现的是重点论原理。B.C两项反映的是认识论,现象与本质的关系。D项体现了量变质变的关系,故选D。


Happy Living in Beijing

A special event for the whole family. There will be art works and musical performances by children from international schools, a speech on education planning & income protection insurance by Tenbridge and an exhibition of original paintings and sculptures from the Beijing Central Art Gallery & Cultural Venue. Staff from the Vista Clinic will give a talk on how to deal with medical emergencies. Free buffet, activities for children and lucky draws also. 2 to 6 pm, February 25 at the Chateau Regalia Club House, Tianzhu, Shuiyi District. Please call 6585-9902-48 or email to keturah@bjcagallery.com. 

Welsh Society Ball  

For the growing number of Welsh people in Beijing, as well as people connected with Wales, the St David's Society (Welsh Society) Ball will be held at the Kerry Centre on March 4. Fifty singers from the Welsh Male Voice Choir will come all the way from the valleys to perform. Reserve your seats with Russell Probert at 6507-2617-12

Newcomers' network  

Meet new friends and find useful information on living in Beijing through a cultural activity organized by the International Newcomers Network. 30 yuan per person, including entrance, coffee and pastries. 10 am, February 27 at the Athletic Club, 5/F Capital Mansions, 6 Xinyuan Nanlu, Chaoyang District. 1355-2611-887 or email at innbeijing@hotmail.com 

Guizhou tour 

Follow the Chinese Culture Club to Guizhou, one of the best-kept regions in Southwest China. Unspoiled by tourism, Guizhou is famous for its stunning landscape such as limestone karst hills, jagged peaks and terraced rice paddies, as well as colorful ethnic minority cultures. This six-day tour will go into mountains and valleys of Yungui Plateau. Set off with Chinese Culture Club at 9 am, February 18 at CCC office, Kent Center, 29, Anjialou, Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. 6432-9341-29

67.If you have a naughty child who often gets hurt himself accidently, you might be interested in _____.

A. Happy Living in Beijing.                     B. Welsh Society Ball 

C. Newcomers' network.                           D. Guizhou tour

68.A person from Wales ,who is interested in the cultures of the minorities in China, might dial ________.

A. 6585-9902-48   B. 6507-2617-12              C. 1355-2611-887         D. 6432-9341 29

69.If you send an email to keturah@bjcagallery.com, you might know about the following information except ______.

A. Musical performances by children from international schools.

B. Knowing more about mountains and valleys of Yungui Plateau.

C. Income protection insurance by Tenbridge.

D. Whether it is necessary for the parent to take their children there.

70.Which of the following is not right according to the passage? 

A.You can either make a call or send an email to know about Happy Living in Beijing

B. You can get a seat to attend Welsh Society Ball at any time.

C. Jan, fond of making new friends, might email at innbeijing@hotmail.com .

D. Guizhou, one of the best-kept regions in China, is still not spoiled by tourism.
