问题 论述题


材料一 “转眼间已到毕业季,七百万毕业生聚集……人才市场虽然太拥挤,可我们依然要冲进去,虽然很费力,虽然汗如雨,哪怕窒息也要往里挤。文员工资一千一,也会吸引很多人去……”最近,一首《最难就业季》唱出了广大大学毕业生的心声。

材料二  2013年9月10日,国务院 * * 李克强会见出席夏季达沃斯论坛的企业家代表时表示:“对于中国政府来说,我们发展的目的是为了保障和改善民生,而最大的民生就是就业。在未来十年、二十年,中国的劳动力总量都将在8亿以上。中国面临的就业问题,不仅有总量压力,还存在着结构性的矛盾。通俗的说,就是有岗位找不到合适的人,有人找不到合适的岗位。这种结构性矛盾未来随着中国经济结构的调整优化可能还会更加突出”。 另据中国人力资源市场信息监测中心对全国104个城市的公共就业服务机构市场供求信息统计分析显示,2013年第二季度,我国劳动力市场中中高级技能人才供不应求。

材料三 服务业是最大的就业容纳器,就业人数已经超过农业,但仍有许多领域劳动力供不应求。非公有制经济就业贡献超过80%,其中小微企业在国家减免营业税、增值税等政策的推动下,吸收人才的能力不断扩大。








       Joan worked in a hospital as a nurse. One evening there was a big dance at the hospital. Most of the

doctors and nurses would be there,but of course somebody had to be left to look after the sick children.

and Joan was not one of the lucky ones. She liked dancing very much, so when she had to start work that evening her friends were getting ready to go to the dance. She felt very sorry for herself.

        She went to each sick child one after another and said good-night, until she came to one little boy,

Dick. He was eleven years old, but he was already able to talk like an adult. Poor Dick had a very serious illness, and now he was hardly to move any part of his body except his hands. Joan knew he would never get any better, but he was always happy and always thinking about other people instead of herself.

       Dick knew that Joan loved dancing. So when she came to say good-night to him, he greeted her with

the words, "I'm very sorry that you have to miss the dance because of us. But we are going to have a party for you. If you look in my drawer, you will find a piece of cake. I saved it for my dinner today, so it is quite fresh. And there is also a dollar there. You can buy something to drink with that. And I'II get up and dance with you if I was able to , "he added.

       Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Joan.

1. Joan felt unlucky that evening mainly because________ .

A. there was a dance ball at the hospital

B. of her unpleasant job

C. she would lose the chance to go to the big dance at the hospital

D. she was obligated(被迫) to look after the sick children

2. Poor Dick________ .

A. was no more than a boy of eleven

B. fell seriously ill

C. was clever at talking though he was very young

D. all the above

3. Dick was lovely because________ .

A. he was a nice, kind boy of eleven

B. he was always thinking about others more than himself.

C. he saved a piece of cake for his nurse

D. he could foresee (预知 ) that he would never get better

4. Which of the followings is NOT true? 

A. Dick got up to greet Joan when she came.

B. Dick heard about the dance.

C. Dick knew why Joan was unhappy.

D. Dick showed sympathy (同情) for Joan.

5. At that party for Joan, Dick probably _________. 

A. got up and danced with her

B. gave Joan some cake he had saved

C. brought her something to drink

D. lost the dollar which he was going to give Joan
