问题 问答题

某企业已安装机床100台,4月份制度工作日为22日,每日制度规定两班(15.5小时),已安装机床3台,因任务不足4月份停开,计划检修项目内大、中修计划修理台时为831台时,根据原始记录汇总资料得出:计划检修项目内大、中修实际修理台时为915台时,停电、待料、设备故障等实际停开台时为815台时。 计算:(1)制度台时利用率; (2)计划台时利用率; (3)机床台时利用率。


参考答案:先将计算利用率中用到的指标计算出来: (1)制度台时=制度规定开动设备数×制度规定开动日数×每日制度开动时数 =100×22×15.5=34100台时 (2)计划台时=计划开动设备数×计划规定开动日数×每日计划开动时数 =97×22×15.5=33077台时 (3)按两班制应开动台时=已安装机床台数×制度规定开动日数×15.5小时 =100×22×15.5=34100台时 (4)实际工作台时=实际开动设备数×实际开动日数×每日制度开动时数-各类实际停开台时 =97×22×15.5-915-815=31347台时 (5)制度台时利用率=实际工作台时/(制度台时-计划大中修实际停开台时) =31347/(34100-915)=94.46%(6)计划台时利用率=实际工作台时/(计划台时-计划大中修实际停开台时) =31347/(33077-915)=97.47%(7)机床台时利用率=实际工作台时/(按两班制应开动台时-计划大中修实际停开台时) =31347/(34100-915)=94.46%



     Every year, over 40,000 secondary students in Britain run a business. "Each business runs for one

year," said Ben,one of the group of students visiting Shanghai. "When we started our business, we

borrowed money from parents and friends. At the end ofthe year,these people will receive some of the

profits(利润) ."I asked Ben if running a business was difficult.He said that it was no problem. He said

that they always received a lot of advice from teachersand business people.

     Another member of the group,Regina,told methe four questions they always asked themselves.

The questions are:

      l. What do people want to buy?

     2. Where is a good place to sell the product?

     3. How is our product better than other product?

     4. How much is the product?

     I was also very interested in how the group was organized.Regina said that there were usually abou

five to seven students in each business and among them were one manager and one accountant (会计).

I asked them who was the manager."l am,of course,"said Regina. "It was my idea to produce picture

books,"she said. "They have been very popular withthe other students." I also asked the students what

other people sold. "Other groups in our school sellthings like T-shirts, videos and computer games,"said


     "How much money do the businesses usually make?" I asked."Some businesses make a small profit

of about $ 1,000一 $ 3,000," said Regina.I asked them what they did with the profits. "We can do what we like with the profits."However,Regina told me that it was important not to waste the money. She

always told the other groups to give the money to charity.

     Most students enjoyed running a business and allthe students said that they had learnt a lot.

l. When the students begin a business, they _____ 

  A. have made a small profit

  B. have got enough money

  C. borrow money from parents and friends

  D. borrow money from teachers and business people

2.The manager of this group of students is _____

A. Ben            

B. Regina

C. a teacher        

D. a friend of theirs

3. This group of students sold _____ as their business.

A. picture books      

B. computer games

C. videos        

D. T-shirts

4. The groups use the profits _____

A. for a party

B. to give the charitv

C. for their parents and friends

D. in different ways

5. Which of the following is NOT true?                  

A. When the secondary students run businesses, they get much help from other people.

B. Running a business is difficult for Ben's group.

C. These students try their best to produce better and cheaper products.

D. Most groups are able to get much money.
