人民法院适用普通程序审理的案件,应在立案之日起( )内审结。
甲生产企业2011年占地面积为20000平方米,房产原值50000万元,其中生产厂房占地8000平方米,房产原值30000万元;自办幼儿园占地300平方米,房产原值500万元。拥有整备质量20吨载货汽车10辆,9吨挂车10辆。以下是该企业在2011年发生的业务: (1)6月15日,购置3辆10吨载货汽车,合同载明金额为20万元,并于当月领取行驶证书。 (2)6月28日,将占地200平方米、原价值为500万元的厂房出租,每年租金50万元,租赁期3年。 (3)9月2日,乙企业委托加工一批产品并签订合同,合同约定,原材料由乙企业提供,金额为150万元,甲企业收取加工劳务费用50万元;完工后由甲企业负责运输,合同中载明的运费为5万元,装卸费1万元。 当地政府规定当地适用的城镇土地使用税年税额为4元/平方米,计算房产余值的扣除比例为20%,载货汽车年税额20元/吨。 根据上述资料,回答下列问题:
2011年甲企业应缴纳的印花税( )元。
A.1830 B.1850 C.1855 D.1860
A Accommodation 住宿
One is never at a loss for a place to (1) in Malaysia.The country’s cities and major towns have a (2) range of accommodation to suit all tastes and budgets. Most international (3) hotels cater to total living requirements and as such, one (4) easily find restaurants, entertainment outlets and fitness centres within the (5) complex.
Several resort hotels even have adjoining golf courses and (6) parks with special privileges accorded to hotel guests. Family outings (7) these hotels can be a practical yet fun-filled activity. Guests (8) on longer stays may appreciate the serviced apartments situated within (9) major cities.
Malaysia is also an excellent destination for romantic getaways, (10) for honeymooners seeking an idyllic tropical retreat with (11) amenities. The country’s award-winning island resorts are paradises waiting to be (12)
For budget-conscious tourists, there is an array of accommodations located (13) to amenities and tourist attractions. Budget accommodations in Malaysia are (14) according to the Orchid Classification Scheme and include hostels, bed (15) breakfast establishments, inns, boarding houses, rest houses and lodging houses (16) Orchid rating is awarded to tourist accommodations offering basic facilities (17) well as safe and clean premises.
Adventurous souls can try (18) the innumerable value-for-money kampung-style chalets located along popular beaches. Nature (19) seeking communion with nature in Malaysia’s world-famous nature parks such (20) Taman Negara will be amazed by the easy availability of chalets with modern facilities in these areas.