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化学与人类的生活密切相关。对下列有关物质的叙述不正确的是 [ ]

A. 油脂属于酯类,除可食用外,还可用于肥皂生产和油漆制造

B. 人体缺碘易得“大脖子病”,为了消除碘缺乏病,目前加碘食盐中主要添加的是KIO3

C. 医院里常用无水乙醇进行杀菌消毒

D. 金属钛具有抗腐蚀性、熔点高、硬度大、密度小等优点,被誉为“21世纪的金属”




阅读下列材料; 材料1 1985年底,中国女排同世界女排明星联队在北京、上海举行了两场比赛,中国女排先后以3:1、3:2战胜了明星联队。 明星联队的个人技术是出类拔萃的,应谊说,她们个人技术的平均水平要高于中国女排个人技术的平均水平。但为什么明星联队两场比赛都输给了中国女排一个主要的原因是比赛的双方在队员之间的相互配合上存在着根本的差异。 世界女排明星联队是刚刚组建的,12名队员来自9个国家,讲7种语言。初次配合,困难很多,其中语言的不通成为彼此传递信息、交流情感的主要障碍。据山田重雄主教练讲,他的意图无法直接传达给队员,他画了很多图,准备了多种方案,但在千变万化的临场比赛中,这些东西却无法照搬。与此相反,中国女排的队员们配合默契,早已形成一个有机的整体。这个有机的整体可使每一位队员最大限度地发挥自己的竞技水平。 材料2 沛公刘邦与西楚霸王项羽争天下,军事实力不敌对方。然而,刘邦最终还是打败了项羽,建立了汉王朝。这当然有许多原因。其中重要的一种,便是刘邦极会用人,“扬人之长,避人之短”。“运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外”,他用张良;“镇国家,抚百姓,给馈饷,不绝粮道”,他用萧何;“连百万之军,战必胜,攻必取”,他用韩信。显然,倘若刘邦不是这样用人,而是让韩信决策,张良供粮,萧何打仗,他还能打败项羽,建立汉朝吗 请回答: (1)从材料1、2中,归纳出共性的涉及质量互变规律的原理。 (2)根据材料2,说明所归纳的这一原理在用人问题上的重要作用。 (3)运用所归纳的这一原理,说明市场经济何以能促进生产力的发展。


Pop star Britney Spears tied the knot with a childhood friend,but their two-day-old marriage was dissolved Monday shortly after Britney filed for an annulment(废除契约/婚约).She described the marriage as “ a joke that went too far,” said one source closed to Spears.“I don’t even know if she loves him,”the source said.

The 22-year-old diva(most important singer)walked down the aisle at a Las Vegas wedding chapel early Saturday,the reports said,marrying Jason Alexander,also 22,a childhood friend from her hometown of Kentwood,Louisiana whom she had recently begun dating.

Spears wore jeans and a baseball cap,and was escorted(护送)down the aisle by a hotel bellman,according to the People.com.

The two apparently decided to marry while partying at the Palms Casino Hotel Friday night,and did so at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas.The honeymoon was spent at the Palms,but the next night Spears was seen dining with a group that did not include the groom at a hotel steakhouse.

Raised in the US south,the pop diva started her career at a television program The Mickey Mouse Club at age 11,becoming a famous teen singer.

All four of her CDs, including most recently November’s “In the Zone,”debuted at number one on the charts.

60.The underlined phrase at the beginning of the passage mean       .

A.begin to quarrel       B.get married   C.fall in love    D.get divorced

61.The news about Spears’s clothes was most probably taken from a(a n)       .

A.newspaper         B.broadcast station    C.internet   D.magazine

62.People would have guessed their marriage wouldn’t last long because       .

A.Spears was seen to have fun without her newly-married groom

B.Spears was a person forever changing her mind

C.Spears had an odd character

D.Spears had such a kind of history before

63.What made Spears most famous in the world is that        .

A.she got married to a man who she just dated for two days.

B.she got divorced two days after her new marriage.

C.she began to appear on the stage as a teen singer.

D.she made great achievements in singing.