问题 阅读理解与欣赏






宽容,是一种豁达、也是一种理解、一种尊重、一种激励,更是大智慧的象征、强者显示自信的表现。宽容是一种坦荡,可以无私无畏、无拘无束、无尘无染 。

战国时,楚王宴请臣下。灯忽灭,一醉酒的 * * 拉扯楚王妃子的衣服,妃子扯下了 * * 的帽缨,要求楚王追查。楚王为保住 * * 的面子,下令所有的人一律在黑暗中扯掉自己的帽缨,然后才重新点灯,继续宴会。后来,这位被宽容了的 * * 以超常的勇武为楚国征战沙场。可见,学会宽容,就要学会原谅一个人小的过失,给人以悔改的机会。



学会宽容,就学会一种有益的做人责任、就学会一种良好的做人方法。生活中宽容的力量巨大。因为批评会让人不服,谩骂会让人厌恶,羞辱会让人恼火,威胁会让人愤怒。唯有宽容让人无法躲避,无法退却,无法阻挡,无法反抗。蔺相如对廉颇傲慢无礼的宽容忍让,最终感化廉颇负荆请罪,留下千古美谈将相和,使赵国虽小而无人敢犯;周 * * 以其容纳天地的博大胸怀,在外交上奉行求同存异、和平共处方针,造就了他伟大人格,树立了中 * * 的大国风范。同样,邻里间团结和睦需要宽容,夫妻间白头偕老离不开宽容,一个健康文明进步的社会处处离不开宽容。假如没有了宽容,则国与国之间会兵戎相见,人与人之间会拳脚相加,社会将因此变得黯然。



题目分析:这是一篇材料作文。材料中曼德拉博大的胸怀与宽容精神给世界带来了震撼,也给我们带来了人生的启示,原谅他人,其实是升华自己;悲痛和怨恨是牢狱。要从思想上解放自己。放开纠结的过往,踏步向前。因此可参考以下立意:1.要学会宽容  2.忘掉悲痛和怨恨,勇往直前


For many people, the story of cottages — small vacation homes away from the city — is a deeply personal one. For some families, cottages have been the scene of reunions, vacations and family adventures for generations.

In North America, “cottaging(去乡间别墅度周末)” really began during the 19th century. At that time, crowds of people were moving from family farms to cities. Naturally, these people often felt a longing for the natural beauty of the countryside. Frequently located near lakes, in the mountains of woods, cottages provided a perfect solution.

Traditionally small and rustic (乡下风格的),many cottages were once simple log(原木) homes without bathrooms, water or electricity. While in most cases that is no longer true, people still go to cottages in large numbers to escape the city and to enjoy “cottage life.”

Despite the peaceful setting, there is always plenty to do at a cottage. If you enjoy outdoor activities, try hunting, boating or hiking. Many cottages are located near a lake, so you have opportunities to go swimming, boating or sunbathing around. Enjoy a picnic with your family, or build a campfire to roast hot dogs. On rainy days, curl up(蜷曲) on a comfortable chair inside and read, or enjoy board games (棋类游戏) with your friends and relatives. Want to get out and explore? Take a tour of the lake in a motorboat, or visit one of the many small villages located nearby.

Many families rent cottages instead of owning them, but for those who do, there’s always work to be done. Wood must be chopped for the stove. Leaves need to be gathered and gardens taken care of. Since many cottages are old buildings, there’s usually something that needs to be fixed or painted.

The story of cottages is one of families, traditions and memories. Are you ready to try cottaging with your family?

小题1:The underlined word “longing” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_________ ”.




D.excitement小题2:What do we know about a cottage?

A.It is far from lakes.

B.It is not popular now.

C.It was probably built of wood.

D.It was built in a short time.小题3:Which of the following does NOT belong to the activities mentioned in the text?

A.Sunbathing and swimming.

B.Hunting, hiking and boating,

C.Having a picnic and roasting hot dogs.

D.Playing football and watching games on TV.小题4:Which of the following words can best describe the author’s attitude towards“cottaging”?



