问题 实验题

小丽在使用托盘天平时,先把它放到水平台上,在调节横梁时, 应把游码移到               ,发现横梁左端高、右端低,他应该把平衡螺母向            端调(填“左”或“右”)。他用已调节好的天平测盐水的质量,出现了如图1所示的情况,此时她应进行的操作是:                                          。当所加砝码和游码的位置如图2所示时,天平横梁正好平衡,则该物体的质量为                g。

                                                                                  图1                                  图2





     ( 1).Take the medicine with water. One pill every eight hours. For further nights,take two pills at

bedtime. Don't take more than six pills in 24 hours. For children six to twelve years old, give half the

adult (成年人) dosage (剂量). For children under six years old, ask your doctor. Take less dosage if

you can't go to sleep.

     (2).Each pill of the medicine is taken three times each day for 14 years old. As usual, a pill 6:00 a.m.

before breakfast, one before 11:00 and one before sleep. Not for children under six years old and old

persons with heart trouble (疾病).

     (3).The medicine for a person with a cough. Two pills once a day before sleep for adults. Do not

take the medicine without a cough. Half for children under 12 years old. Children with a bad cough, go

to see a doctor.

     (4).Take the medicine three times a day. Five pills each time for an adult with a cold. Half the pills for

children under 10 years old. Take the medicine before meals or before sleep.


1.If a middle-age person with a cough wants to be well at home, what should he do?

   He should take the third medicine _______ _______ a day before sleep.

2.How many kinds of medicine can the five-year-old children take?

   The five-year-old children can take _______ _______ of medicine.

3.You took one of the four kinds of medicine last night, and you couldn't fall asleep. Which kind of

medicine was it?

   It was the _______ _______.




   When should I take the medicine if I have a cold?

