问题 单项选择题

In roiling wave planning:

A.Focus is maintained on long-term objectives, allowing near-term objectives to he roiled out as part of the ongoing wave of activitie

B.The work to be accomplished in the near term is planned in detail at a low level of the WB

C.The work far in the future is planned in detail for WBS components that are at a low level of the WB

D.A wave of detailed activities is planned during strategic planning to ensure that project milestones are achieve



解析: 在滚动式规划中: A) 始终关注长期目标, 允许近期目标作为持续波动活动的产出。 B) 最近时期完成的工作是在WBS底层详细规划的。 C) 未来的工作是在WBS底层组成部分详细规划的。 D) 在战略规划中进行波动式的详细规划, 以确保达到项目里程碑。 滚动式规划的特点是对当前时期的工作规划得比较详细,未来的相对简略。
