问题 单项选择题

网络成瘾:指个体反复过度使用网络导致的一种精神行为障碍,表现为对网络的再度使用产生强烈的欲望,停止或减少网络使用时出现戒断反应,同时伴有精神及躯体症状。 下列属于网络成瘾的是( )。







解析: 网络成瘾的定义要点是:①对网络产生强烈的欲望;②停止或减少网络时出现戒断反应。A项小丽。是以网络作为工具;B项符合网络成瘾的定义;C项工程师的症状不是由于停止或减少使用网络,而是公司破产;D项是由于股市而并非网络。所以,正确答案是B。


One of Lewis Gordon Pugh’s first big attempts to put his cold-water skills to the test nearly ended in disaster. On a one-mile swim in Antarctica in December 2005, just yards from the finish, his body began to give in. The temperature inside his thigh muscle dropped to 87.8 degrees, the lowest ever measured in him. He was completely at the limits of his ability.

Despite what he called the “grueling (折磨人的)” Antarctic swim, Pugh scheduled an even more fearsome test for himself at the North Pole. Stepping off the way of the Russian icebreaker that had crunched(咯吱作响的穿过) through floating sea ice for five days to take him to the North Pole, Pugh walked across the ice to a pool of open water over one mile long and two and a half miles deep. The sea temperature was 29 degrees, only a little above the freezing point of salt water.

Pugh quickly took off his padded clothes. In only his bathing suit and cap, his skin already pink, he walked to the water’s edge. “The only place I’m getting out is at the end,” he told himself. Then he removed his earphones and dived in.

The pain was immediate. His entire body felt on fire. The doctor kept pace with him in a boat. Through iced-up goggles(护目镜), Pugh could see the armed guards keeping watch for bears.

His friend Becker had broken down the huge task into manageable parts, each one marked by a flag planted in the ice that represented a friend, family member, or teammate. Fog started to roll in as Pugh headed for the final marker, the flag of Great Britain. He imagined his late father standing beside it--- the man who had done so much to give him an interest in adventure. Then Pugh drove himself to the finish. After 18 minutes 50 seconds in the water, his body was not even hypothermic(体温过低的).


Why did Lewis Gordon Pugh swim in Antarctica in December 2005?

A.To train his determination.

B.To end a disaster.

C.To test his cold-water skills.

D.To check the temperature in Antarctica.小题2:.

. It can be inferred that in the pool at the North Pole Lewis Gordon Pugh __________.

A.had to suffer from the cold water with his goal to achieve

B.dived to the depth of two and a half miles

C.broke the records that the Russian kept

D.spent nearly 19 minutes walking over one mile小题3:.

. To make sure of the successful test in the pool at the North Pole, __________.

A.Lewis Gordon Pugh had to carry flags

B.Lewis Gordon Pugh was accompanied by his father

C.Pugh took measures to keep his body temperature

D.Pugh’s task was separated into several parts