Dr David Weeks has spent years studying these so-called "Superyoung" people. Now the
reporter(R) is interviewing Dr Weeks(DW).
R: Dr Weeks, could you start by telling us exactly what you mean by the expression "Superyoung"?
DW: Yes, well, I mean a lucky group of people who actually look and feel as much as 18 years
younger than they really are.
R: Is looking younger than our age just a question of our genes?
DW: Well, of course it's one of the important things. But we have many other things to think about.
My study has shown, for example, that a happy life is quite important. They often have friendships with
people younger than themselves too.
R: And do the "Superyoung" have a lot of children?
DW: No, in fact the opposite. Our study showed that 15% of the "Superyoung" don't have children
at all and those that have children usually have small families, one or two children at most.
R: Is lifestyle important?
DW: Yes, the "Superyoung" usually sleep very well and have usual or even low blood pressure. Our
study showed that they travel more often and when they do travel they often travel further. Generally
speaking, they are also people who read more and watch less TV than the rest of us.
R: And do they do a lot of exercise or sport?
DW: Yes, in fact we found that they are the kind of people who prefer to do sport rather than watch
sport. A strange fact we discovered is that they prefer the sports one person does such as swimming or
walking to playing team sp
orts such as football.