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     Almost everyone knows about the Chupa Chups, the lollipop*. And people often talk about its

interesting advertisements. Do you know, however, it was invented more than half a century ago by a man

called Bernat?

     In the early 1950s, Bernat worked for an apple jam* factory. After he came up with the idea of making

lollipops, the people who offered money to the company left. Bernat took over the company in 1958 and

named it Chupa Chups. He built the machines and sold candy on a wooden stick for one peseta* each.

     Bernat got the idea of a "candy with a stick" from a mother who complained a lot as her child got dirty

hands when eating candy. Bernat felt that at that time, candy was not designed with the main customers-

children-in mind. Later, shopkeepers were told to put the lollipops near the cash register* where children

could reach easily, instead of behind it.

     The Chupa Chups company was a success. In five years, Bernat's lollipops were being sold at 300,000 to

other countries. When they were first created, the lollipop sticks were made of wood, but then they were

changed to plastic sticks because there was too little wood in Spain. After the end of the Francisco Franco

dictatorship* (1939-1975), the company went international. In the 1970s the colorful lollipops appeared in

Southeast Asian countries, such as Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, as well as Australia. In the 1980s it

went to the European and North American markets, and in the 1990s to most Asian countries. In China they

were made by Tatagum in Panyu, near Guangzhou. As of 2003, 4 billion lollipops a year were sold to 150

countries. The company has 2000 workers, makes 90% of its sales abroad, and has a turnover* of 


      In 1991, Bernat's son Xavier took over the "Chupa Chups" and made his father enjoy the rest of his life.

1. Who was the lollipop invented by?

A. Bernat.

B. Xavier.

C. Some kids.

D. A mother.

2. What does the underlined phrase take over in the first and fifth paragraphs mean?

A. 毁坏

B. 接管

C. 背叛

D. 收拾

3. Why does the writer use so many numbers in paragraph 4?

A. Because the writer likes Chupa Chups very much.

B. Because the writer wants to tell us that he has been to many countries.

C. Because the writer wants to show that the Chupa Chups company was a success.

D. Because the writer wants to tell us people all over the world know about Chupa Chups.

4. What's the best title for this article?

A. Kids Love Chupa Chups

B. A Clever Man Called Bernat

C. How The Lollipop Was Invented

D. The History Of Chupa Chups


1-4       ABCD


1.随着我国改革开放的不断深入,越来越多的人离开户口登记地谋求更好的发展。人们也习惯于把这部分人称作流动人口。  2.所谓流动人口,是指人口普查中,扣除市区内人户分离后,现住地与户口登记地跨乡镇街道不一致、而且时间超过半年的人。  3.改革开放以来,随着经济环境的宽松,越来越多的人走出家门挣钱、发展事业。  4.根据2000年人口普查资料,全国现住地与户口登记地不一致的有14439万人。其中跨省的有4242万人,省内的有10197万人。在省内不一致的人口中,有2332万人是市区内人户分离的。市区内人户分离人口,主要是在城区范围内,因城市改造拆迁搬家、择校入学、婚嫁等原因居住在一个街道而户口寄挂在其他街道的人,这种人,并不是真正意义上的流动人口。所以,在考察流动人口时,应扣除这部分人。由此计算出,全国流动人口为12107万。  5.随着流动人口的大量出现,流动人口的衣食住行、子女教育、医疗卫生等问题,给社会管理工作带来了巨大负担,直接关系到整个国家社会的稳定,因此,做好流动人口管理工作是政府部门的重要任务之一。  6.尽管人口流动现象有不少负面影响,但它也有其一定的积极意义,是社会经济发展进步的一种具体体现,人口流动是经济发展的产物之一,打破对人力资源的束缚与浪费,带来的劳动力的自由、高效流动,极大地推动了社会经济的发展。  7.随着市场经济的发展,流动人口已经成为活跃市场经济的主力军,大规模的流动人口主要呈以下特点:①从距离上看,以近距离的省内流动为主体。在全国12107万的流动人口中,省内流动的有7865万,占65%,跨省流动424万人,占35%。说明流动人口是以近距离的省内流动为主。②分省看,从经济欠发达地区向经济发达地区流动。在跨省流动的4242万人口中,从四川流出的占16.4%,从安徽流出的占10.2%,从湖南流出的占10.2%,从江西流出的占8.7%,从河南流出的占7.2%,从湖北流出的占 6.6%,六省市流出人口占全国跨省流动人口的59.3%。从流入的地区看,流入广东的占35.5%,流入浙江的占8.7%,流入上海的占7.4%,流入江苏的占6.0%,流入北京的占5.8%,流入福建的占5.1%,六省市流入人口占全国跨省流动人口的68.5%。③分城乡看,主要是从乡村向城镇流动。全国12107万流动人口中,从城镇流出的3267万,占27.0%,从乡村流出8840万,占73.0%。流入城镇的9012万,占74.4%,流入乡村的3095万,占25.6%。即1.2亿的流动人口中,从乡村流出的有73%,流入城镇的有74%。  8.随着我国改革开放步伐的加快、市场经济的进一步发展,“十五”期间流动人口的流向格局不会有大的变化,规模可能会持续增大。这必然对现有的户籍管理制度、劳动就业制度以及社会保障体系等带来一定的冲击,也将改变人们的生产和生活方式。重视流动人口问题,研究制定科学合理的改革措施,可以化不利因素为积极因素,极大地促进我国现代化事业的发展。  9.在改革开放20多年后的今天,中国人正享受着前所未有的流动自由。最新统计显示,目前全国每年跨省、市、区流动的劳动力多达4500万人次,如果加上省内、区内的人口流动,这一数字将超过1亿。  10.中国人素有强烈的“怀乡恋家”情结。古人云:“父母在,不远游,游必有方。”历史上,若非发生重大战乱或灾荒,像这样数以亿计的人口流动是不可想象的。但是,今日流动的中国人追求的绝不再是简单的温饱,他们要寻求财富、机遇和成功。中国劳动学会副秘书长杨宜勇说,是过去10年间初步建立的社会主义市场经济体制,打破了以往计划经济条件下对人力资源的束缚与浪费,带来了劳动力的自由、高效流动。  11.从1978年党的十一届三中全会开始,农村剩余劳动力的流动就在逐年增加。与20世纪80年代后出现的一浪高过一浪的“民工潮”不同的是,目前中国的流动人口已经开始从无序转向有序和规范。


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