Researchers have discovered that January's huge quake in Haiti caused a tsunami
(海啸). Along with four Haitian colleagues, Dr Hermann Fritz, a professor, travelled
around the coast of Haiti. He wanted to find out what had happened before the
evidence disappeared forever. He had heard reports and saw evidence that a wave
up to 3-meter high had hit some areas of the coast south of the capital following the
quake near Port au Prince. It had killed at least three people and engulfed (吞没)
Dr Fritz presented some of his findings at the Ocean Sciences meeting in Portland
in the US. "This was a relatively small event," he told BBC News." Most of the deaths
were due to the earthquake, but at least three victims we know survived the earthquake
and were hit by the wave."
These three victims were a father and his two young sons. They were standing
close to the shore in Petit Paradis, watching the wave instead of heading for higher
ground. Draw-back in the water level is a sign that a big wave is coming. "It clearly
showed a lack of tsunami education," Dr Fritz said. "It was pure luck that the wrong
information did not kill more people in this case."
Despite the great damage it caused, the Haiti earthquake was not of the type
or magnitude (级) usually associated with tsunamis. It had a magnitude of 7.0.
"Generally anything over 7.5 is cause for concern," explained Eddie Bernard, a
tsunami researcher." But anything between 7 and 7.5 can cause smaller, local tsunamis."
It also occurred on land and, to cause a tsunami, it must happen under the sea.
"Anything that moves water generates a wave," said Dr Bernard. "And the deeper
the event, the bigger the wave." Dr Fritz explained that the main causes of the Haitian
tsunami were "local landslides". "'But there are fault lines in this region that are in areas
which are more likely to cause a tsunami and, if you have a much bigger landslide, you
could have a much bigger wave," he said.
1. Dr Fritz travelled around the coast of Haiti with his colleagues to ______.
A. find out the magnitude of the quake
B. check the damage to the coasts
C. gather evidence about the wave
D. study the power of the wave
2. The three people who died stood close to the shore in Petit Paradis because ______.
A. their attention was fixed on the beautiful scenery
B. they cared little about the direction of the big wave
C. they didn't see the signs of big waves
D. they didn't know it was time to run for higher ground
3. What Dr Fritz said suggests that ______.
A. the three victims are not worthy of sympathy
B. it was lucky that the loss wasn't greater
C. earthquakes of the magnitude of 7.0 are common in Haiti
D. few Haitians know about tsunamis and earthquakes
4. If the passage is taken from a newspaper, which section should it be in?______
A. Science.
B. Business.
C. Sports.
D. Entertainment.